Core Set 2021 Update Bulletin Posted in News on June 23, 2020 By Eli Shiffrin Archive Share Article Share Tweet Share Hello, everyone! I'm here on warm and toasty Regatha, since Core Set 2020 is all about . . . um . . . I see Teferi's up to his time tricks. Moving right along, it's time for Core Set 2021! If you care about more than the Dog update (and I wouldn't blame you if that's all you care about—they're good Dogs), read on. As usual, you'll be able to find the Comprehensive Rules here on our website and Oracle text updated in Gatherer—at this time, one or both of those might not be updated just yet, so I'm describing a general truth here. Keep in mind that this article was written before the rules changes were finalized in editing, so there may be minor deviations from what I describe below.