_Betrayers of Kamigawa_(TM) Frequently Asked Questions Compiled by John Carter Last modified: January 19, 2005 Betrayers of Kamigawa Prerelease tournaments: January 22-23, 2005 Betrayers of Kamigawa official release date: February 4, 2005 The Betrayers of Kamigawa set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play February 20, 2005. This FAQ has two sections, each of which serves a different purpose. The first section ("General Notes") explains the new mechanics and concepts in the set. The second section ("Card-Specific Notes") contains answers to the most important questions players might ask about a given card. Items in the "Card-Specific Notes" section include full rules text for your reference. Not all cards in the set are listed. GENERAL NOTES Ninjutsu Ninja of the Deep Hours {3}{U} Creature -- Human Ninja 2/2 Ninjutsu {1}{U} ({1}{U}, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking.) Whenever Ninja of the Deep Hours deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. The official rules for the ninjutsu ability are as follows: 502.43. Ninjutsu 502.43a Ninjutsu is an activated ability that functions only while the card with ninjutsu is in a player's hand. "Ninjutsu [cost]" means "[Cost], Reveal this card from your hand, Return an unblocked creature you control to its owner's hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking." 502.43b The card with ninjutsu remains revealed from the time the ability is announced until the ability leaves the stack. 502.43c A ninjutsu ability may be played only while a creature in play is unblocked. The creature with ninjutsu is put into play unblocked. * The ninjutsu ability can be used during the declare blockers, combat damage, or end of combat steps if you have an unblocked attacking creature. * Activating the ninjutsu ability before combat damage goes on the stack allows the Ninja to deal combat damage. Using ninjutsu after combat damage goes on the stack will mean the original creature is dealing combat damage. * The ability can be used multiple times to return multiple unblocked creatures. Only the last ability played puts the Ninja into play. * The Ninja should be revealed while announcing the ability, but it doesn't leave your hand until the ability resolves. ----- Offering The offering ability applies when announcing a spell. Patron of the Kitsune {4}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 5/6 Fox offering (You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a Fox and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Fox. Mana cost includes color.) Whenever a creature attacks, you may gain 1 life. The official rules for offering are as follows: 502.42. Offering 502.42a Offering is a static ability of a card that functions in any zone from which the card can be played. "[Text] offering" means "You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a [text] permanent. If you do, the total cost to play this card is reduced by the sacrificed permanent's mana cost. 502.42b The permanent is sacrificed at the same time the spell is announced (see rule 409.1a). The total cost of the spell is reduced by the sacrificed permanent's mana cost (see rule 409.1f). 502.42c Generic mana in the sacrificed permanent's mana cost reduces generic mana in the total cost to play the card with offering. Colored mana in the sacrificed permanent's mana cost reduces mana of the same color in the total cost to play the card with offering. Colored mana in the sacrificed permanent's mana cost that does not match colored mana in the colored mana cost of the card with offering, or is in excess of the card's colored mana cost, reduces that much generic mana in the total cost. * Sacrificing the creature for the offering is part of the announcement of the spell. No player has priority to respond to an offering until after the creature spell is on the stack. * You may sacrifice only one creature when using the offering ability. Multiple sacrifices aren't allowed. * Effects that don't allow a player to play creatures also stop a player from using the offering ability. * Using the offering ability changes the normal result when calculating total costs [409.1f]. * With [Object] offering, you may sacrifice an [Object] with a converted mana cost of 0. You have to pay the full mana cost for the Patron, but this allows you to play it whenever you could play an instant. * Colorless mana in the sacrificed creature's mana cost can only reduce generic costs. Colored mana in the sacrificed creature's mana cost reduces colored then generic costs. For example, offering a Fox that costs {W}{W}{W}{W} would reduce Patron of the Kitsune ({4}{W}{W}) to {2}. Offering a Fox that costs {5}{W} would reduce Patron of the Kitsune to {W}. * The cost reduction is calculated after cost increases. A Patron of the Kitsune with a Sphere of Resistance in play would cost {5}{W}{W}. Offering a Fox with a mana cost of {5}{W}{W} would cover all of the Patron's cost to play. * Offering reduces the total cost of a spell. The converted mana cost of the spell remains the same. * The creatures with the offering ability are Patron of the Akki, Patron of the Kitsune, Patron of the Moon, Patron of the Nezumi, and Patron of the Orochi. ----- Alternate Costs -- Spells There is a cycle of Arcane spells called "Shoals" that allows players to play them by removing a card in their hand from the game instead of paying the Shoal's mana cost. All of the Shoals require that the removed card be of the same color as the Shoal. Unlike previous "pitch" spells, Shoals have {X} in their mana cost. The value of {X} chosen for the Shoal and the converted mana cost of the card removed to pay the alternate cost must be the same. Blazing Shoal {X}{R}{R} Instant -- Arcane You may remove a red card with converted mana cost X in your hand from the game rather than pay Blazing Shoal's mana cost. Target creature gets +X/+0 until end of turn. * The alternate cost of removing a card is announced with the spell [409.1b] and paid with all other costs [409.1h]. * The Shoals are Arcane, and a card with the splice onto Arcane ability may be revealed and have its text spliced onto the Shoal and then be removed from the game to pay the Shoal's mana cost. Additional costs (such as with splice onto Arcane) must still be paid as normal. * The mana cost while on the stack includes the value of X if a card was removed to play the Shoal. * The converted mana cost of an X spell pitched to pay for a Shoal has an X value of 0. For example, if you pitch one Blazing Shoal to pay for another, the converted mana cost of the pitched Blazing Shoal is {R}+{R}+{0}=2. And the converted mana cost of the Blazing Shoal being played is {R}+{R}+{2}=4. ----- Alternate Costs -- Splice onto Arcane Multiple cards in the Betrayers of Kamigawa set have "splice" costs that don't include mana payments. These payments are made with all other payments [409.1h]. Partial payments aren't allowed. If a spell is played and has splice portions that can't be paid for, the entire announcement is cancelled. Horobi's Whisper {1}{B}{B} Instant -- Arcane If you control a Swamp, destroy target nonblack creature. Splice onto Arcane--Remove four cards in your graveyard from the game. * The converted mana cost of the spell remains unchanged regardless of how the cost was paid. ----- Burnless Mana There are four cards in the Betrayers of Kamigawa set that produce mana that doesn't drain as normal from the player's mana pool or cause mana burn. They are: Mark of Sakiko; Sakiko, Mother of Summer; Sakura-Tribe Springcaller; and Shizuko, Caller of Autumn. Each card has rules text stating "This mana doesn't cause mana burn. Until end of turn, this mana doesn't empty from your mana pool as phases end." * When playing spells while burnless mana is in your mana pool, players should clarify how much mana is still in their pool after playing the spell. ----- Genju The Genju are a cycle of six local enchantments that enchant specific land types. They can also be activated to turn the land they are enchanting into a creature until end of turn. Each mono-colored Genju can enchant only lands with a specific basic land type. The legendary {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Genju (Genju of the Realm) may enchant any land. The Genju also return to their owner's hand when the enchanted land is put into a graveyard. Genju of the Cedars {G} Enchant Forest {2}: Enchanted Forest becomes a 4/4 green Spirit creature until end of turn. It's still a land. When enchanted Forest is put into a graveyard, you may return Genju of the Cedars from your graveyard to your hand. * A Genju can return to its owner's hand if it's put into a graveyard at the same time as the enchanted land. (For example, if a player plays Akroma's Vengeance when an enchanted land has been animated, etc.) * Removing the enchantment once its ability is activated does nothing to the animated land. * Genju can be played on non-basic lands that have the appropriate land type (such as the Revised dual lands). ----- Glasskites "Glasskites" is a nickname for the three creatures in the Betrayers of Kamigawa set that cause the first spell or ability that targets them each turn to be countered. They are: Jetting Glasskite; Kira, Great Glass-Spinner; and Shimmering Glasskite. Kira, the Great Glass-Spinner turns all your creatures into glasskites. The ability is a triggered ability, so the glasskites won't counter things that can't be countered by spells or abilities. Targeting a glasskite with a spliced spell counters the whole spell (if it was the first time the glasskite was targeted that turn). Kira, Great Glass-Spinner {1}{U}{U} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 2/2 Flying Creatures you control have "Whenever this creature becomes the target of a spell or ability for the first time in a turn, counter that spell or ability." ----- Ki Counters Eleven cards in the Betrayers of Kamigawa set make ki counters whenever their controllers play a Spirit or Arcane spell. Ki counters do nothing by themselves, but each card's rules text defines what can be done with them. Waxmane Baku {2}{W} Creature -- Spirit 2/2 Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may put a ki counter on Waxmane Baku. {1}, Remove X ki counters from Waxmane Baku: Tap X target creatures. ----- Optional Flip Cards There are five flip cards in the Betrayers of Kamigawa set. All five use ki counters. The flip is a triggered ability that happens at the end of the turn if there are two or more ki counters on the flip card. These flip cards differ from those in the Champions of Kamigawa set in that the flip is optional. Faithful Squire {1}{W}{W} Creature -- Human Soldier 2/2 Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, you may put a ki counter on Faithful Squire. At end of turn, if there are two or more ki counters on Faithful Squire, you may flip it. ++++++++++ Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty Legendary Creature -- Spirit 3/4 Flying Remove a ki counter from Kaiso, Memory of Loyalty: Prevent all damage that would be dealt to target creature this turn. * The flip ability triggers only if there are two or more ki counters on the flip creature, and rechecks when the trigger resolves. ----- CARD-SPECIFIC NOTES Aura Barbs {2}{R} Instant -- Arcane Each enchantment deals 2 damage to its controller, then each enchantment enchanting a creature deals 2 damage to the creature it's enchanting. * The damage is dealt by the enchantments, not Aura Barbs. ----- Call for Blood {4}{B} Instant -- Arcane As an additional cost to play Call for Blood, sacrifice a creature. Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the sacrificed creature's power. * Call for Blood uses last known information for the sacrificed creature's power. * You may sacrifice the creature chosen as the target for Call for Blood (if you control it) when you pay the additional cost for the spell. If you do, Call for Blood is countered on resolution. ----- Clash of Realities {3}{R} Enchantment All Spirits have "When this creature comes into play, you may have it deal 3 damage to target non-Spirit creature." All non-Spirit creatures have "When this creature comes into play, you may have it deal 3 damage to target Spirit." * Clash of Realities's abilities apply as each creature enters play and gives them a comes-into-play triggered ability. * Creatures with no creature type are non-Spirit creatures. ----- Disrupting Shoal {X}{U}{U} Instant EArcane You may remove a blue card with converted mana cost X in your hand from the game rather than pay Disrupting Shoal's mana cost. Counter target spell if its converted mana cost is X. * See the "Alternate Costs E Spells" section under "General Notes." * Disrupting Shoal can target any spell, but does nothing unless that spell's converted mana cost is X. ----- Eradicate {2}{B}{B} Sorcery Remove target nonblack creature from the game. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that creature and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library. * The copies must be found if they are in publicly viewable zones. Finding copies while searching private zones is optional. * Eradicate can target and remove cards that aren't always creatures, but are creatures when Eradicate is played and resolves (such as an animated Stalking Stones). Eradicate's remove effect only looks for cards by name, not type. ----- Flames of the Blood Hand {2}{R} Instant Flames of the Blood Hand deals 4 damage to target player. The damage can't be prevented. If that player would gain life this turn, that player gains no life instead. * The damage is unpreventable, and the targeted player's life gain that turn is replaced with nothing. * The replacement effect applies only to the target player, not to a creature or player the damage might be redirected to. ----- Floodbringer {1}{U} Creature -- Moonfolk Wizard 1/2 Flying {2}, Return a land you control to its owner's hand: Tap target land. * The land Floodbringer returns to its owner's hand can be the targeted land. ----- Forked-Branch Garami {3}{G}{G} Creature -- Spirit 4/4 Soulshift 4, soulshift 4 (When this is put into a graveyard from play, you may return up to two target Spirit cards with converted mana cost 4 or less from your graveyard to your hand.) * Forked-Branch Garami is special in that it has two soulshift abilities. When it is put into a graveyard from play, both soulshift abilities trigger. * Each soulshift ability can return one Spirit, or both abilities can attempt to return just one Spirit (causing the second ability to be countered). ----- Fumiko the Lowblood {2}{R}{R} Legendary Creature -- Human Samurai 3/2 Fumiko the Lowblood has bushido X, where X is the number of attacking creatures. Creatures your opponents control attack each turn if able. * X is variable. The bushido bonus is calculated each time Fumiko's bushido trigger resolves, based on the number of attackers at that time. * Fumiko's ability doesn't force an opponent to pay for effects in order to be able to attack with his or her creatures (such as Ghostly Prison, for example). * Fumiko's ability doesn't force tapped creatures or creatures with summoning sickness to attack. ----- Higure, the Still Wind {3}{U}{U} Legendary Creature -- Human Ninja 3/4 Ninjutsu {2}{U}{U}} ({2}{U}{U}, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking.) Whenever Higure deals combat damage to a player, you may search your library for a Ninja card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library. {2}: Target Ninja is unblockable this turn. * If Higure deals regular combat damage and you use its ability to search for another Ninja, that card won't be in your hand in time to activate its ninjutsu ability to put it into play and deal damage. However, the card you searched for could still be swapped for an unblocked creature, including Higure, as long as you activate its ninjutsu ability before the end of combat. * If Higure deals first strike damage (or the first part of double strike damage), the triggered ability would resolve before regular combat damage, and the searched-for Ninja would be able to get swapped with an unblocked creature and still deal its regular damage. ----- Hokori, Dust Drinker {2}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 2/2 Lands don't untap during their controllers' untap steps. At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player untaps a land he or she controls. * If there are two Hokori in play (for example, if Mirror Gallery is in play), each player untaps two lands he or she controls at the beginning of his or her upkeep. ----- Horobi's Whisper 1BB Instant -- Arcane If you control a Swamp, destroy target nonblack creature. Splice onto Arcane—Remove four cards in your graveyard from the game. * Horobi's Whisper can target a creature even if you don't control a Swamp, but the spell does nothing. ----- In the Web of War {3}{R}{R} Enchantment Whenever a creature comes into play under your control, it gets +2/+0 and gains haste until end of turn. * In the Web of War doesn't affect creatures you take control of that are already in play. ----- Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni 4BB Legendary Creature -- Rat Ninja 5/4 Ninjutsu {3}{B}{B} ({3}{B}{B}, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking.) Whenever Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni deals combat damage to a player, you may put target creature card from that player's graveyard into play under your control. {1}{B}: Regenerate Ink-Eyes. *If, during the combat damage step, a creature is destroyed during combat _and_ Ink-Eyes also deals combat damage to a player, the destroyed creature can be a legal target for Ink-Eyes's ability. ----- Kentaro, the Smiling Cat {1}{W} Legendary Creature -- Human Samurai 2/1 Bushido 1 You may pay {X} rather than pay the mana cost for Samurai spells you play, where X is that spell's converted mana cost. * Kentaro doesn't change when you can play Samurai. It just makes Samurai playable for generic mana. * Kentaro's ability only applies while Kentaro is in play. You have to pay for Kentaro normally. It still costs {1}{W}. ----- Kitsune Palliator {2}{W} Creature -- Fox Cleric 0/2 {T}: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to each creature and each player this turn. * Kitsune Palliator's ability creates prevention shields for every creature and player when it resolves. It doesn't affect creatures that come into play (or become creatures) later. ----- Kodama of the Center Tree {4}{G} Legendary Creature -- Spirit */* Kodama of the Center Tree's power and toughness are each equal to the number of Spirits you control. Kodama of the Center Tree has soulshift X, where X is the number of Spirits you control. * Soulshift is a leaves play trigger, so the gamestate is referenced immediately before the Soulshift trigger to determine the value of X. Soulshift X includes Kodama of the Center Tree. So, X is always at least 1. * Kodama of the Center Tree can return itself to its owner's hand if you control five or more Spirits when it is put into a graveyard from play. ----- Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse {4}{B}{B} Legendary Creature -- Demon Spirit 6/4 Whenever you play a Spirit or Arcane spell, target opponent removes a card in his or her hand from the game. * Cards removed from the game by Kyoki's ability are removed face up. * Cards removed from the game by Kyoki's ability stay removed even if Kyoki leaves play. ----- Mirror Gallery {5} Artifact The "legend rule" doesn't apply. * Mirror Gallery removes the "legend rule" while it's in play (see rule 420.5e). * If all Mirror Galleries leave play, the "legend rule" will apply the next time state-based effects are checked. ---- Ogre Marauder {1}{B}{B} Creature -- Ogre Warrior 3/1 Whenever Ogre Marauder attacks, it can't be blocked this turn unless defending player sacrifices a creature. * Ogre Marauder's ability requires the defending player to sacrifice a creature as the ability resolves, or Ogre Marauder can't be blocked for the rest of the turn. * Attacking with Ogre Marauder a second time would cause a second trigger. If no creature was previously sacrificed, the Marauder already can't be blocked. Sacrificing a creature for the second trigger will not nullify the first. ----- Okiba-Gang Shinobi {3}{B}{B} Creature -- Rat Ninja 3/2 Ninjutsu {3}{B} ({3}{B}, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking.) Whenever Okiba-Gang Shinobi deals combat damage to a player, that player discards two cards. * If the defending player has two or fewer cards in hand when Okiba-Gang Shinobi deals combat damage to that player, they are all discarded. ----- Ornate Kanzashi {5} Artifact {2}, {T}: Target opponent removes the top card of his or her library from the game. You may play that card this turn. * Normal play restrictions apply to cards removed from the game by Ornate Kanzashi (you can't play an instant unless you have priority, etc.). * Cards removed from the game by Ornate Kanzashi's ability are removed face up. * You must pay all costs to play cards removed by Ornate Kanzashi. * You can't play cards you removed with Ornate Kanzashi on previous turns. * Cards removed from the game by Ornate Kanzashi's ability stay removed even if the Kanzashi leaves play. ----- Patron of the Kitsune {4}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 5/6 Fox offering (You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a Fox and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Fox. Mana cost includes color.) Whenever a creature attacks, you may gain 1 life. * You may gain one life per attacking creature when the ability resolves during each declare attackers step. * You may gain life when any creatures are declared as attackers, not just for attacking creatures you control. ----- Patron of the Moon {5}{U}{U} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 5/4 Moonfolk offering (You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a Moonfolk and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Moonfolk. Mana cost includes color.) Flying {1}: Put up to two land cards from your hand into play tapped. * You may put zero, one, or two lands into play with Patron of the Moon's ability. The number is determined as the ability resolves. You don't need lands in hand to activate the ability. ----- Patron of the Nezumi {5}{B}{B} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 6/6 Rat offering (You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a Rat and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Rat. Mana cost includes color.) Whenever a permanent is put into an opponent's graveyard, that player loses 1 life. * Patron of the Nezumi's ability triggers even if an event puts this and multiple other permanents into the graveyard at the same time (Wrath of God, gang blocks, etc.) ----- Patron of the Orochi {6}{G}{G} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 7/7 Snake offering (You may play this card any time you could play an instant by sacrificing a Snake and paying the difference in mana costs between this and the sacrificed Snake. Mana cost includes color.) {T}: Untap all Forests and all green creatures. Play this ability only once each turn. * Patron of the Orochi's ability untaps nonbasic lands that are also Forests (such as some of the Revised dual lands) and multicolored creatures that are also green. * The Patron's ability can be played only once per turn, even if control of Patron of the Orochi changes. ----- Quash {2}{U}{U} Instant Counter target instant or sorcery spell. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that spell and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library. * The copies must be found if they are in publicly viewable zones. Finding copies while searching private zones is optional. * Quash can remove cards even if the spell countered was a copy of a spell. For example, if you Quash a Boomerang played from an Isochron Scepter, you may search for and remove cards named Boomerang. * If Quash counters a spell that has had text spliced onto it, only the base spell may be removed. For example, if you use Quash to counter a Kodama's Might with a Glacial Ray spliced onto it, you may search for and remove only Kodama's Might. ----- Roar of Jukai {2}{G} Instant -- Arcane If you control a Forest, each blocked creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn. Splice onto Arcane--An opponent gains 5 life. * Roar of Jukai can be played even if you don't control a Forest or there are no blocked creatures. If you control no Forests or if there are no blocked creatures, the spell does nothing. ----- Scour {2}{W}{W} Instant Remove target enchantment from the game. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that enchantment and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library. * The copies must be found if they are in publicly viewable zones. Finding copies while searching private zones is optional. * Scour can target and remove cards that aren't always enchantments, but are enchantments when Scour is played and resolves (such as creatures turned into enchantments by Soul Sculptor). Scour's remove effect only looks for cards by name, not type. ----- Shining Shoal {X}{W}{W} Instant -- Arcane You may remove a white card with converted mana cost X in your hand from the game rather than pay Shining Shoal's mana cost. The next X damage that a source of your choice would deal to you or a creature you control this turn is dealt to target creature or player instead. * If the player or creature that was targeted is no longer playing or in play when the damage would occur, the damage isn't redirected. * The redirection protects both you and your creatures from the source. If the source would deal more than X damage to multiple objects, you decide which damage is redirected until X is used up. For example, your opponent plays a spell that deals 1 damage to you and 1 damage to two of your creatures. If you play Shining Shoal with X = 2, you can have damage to you and one creature redirected to the target, or you could have damage to both creatures redirected. ----- Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker {4}{B} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 2/2 Whenever a creature with power 1 or less is put into your graveyard from play, you may return that creature card to play under your control at end of turn if Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker is still in play. * Shirei's ability only triggers if the creature's power immediately before leaving play is 1 or less. * If Shirei leaves play and returns to play after a creature with power 1 or less is put into your graveyard, it won't return that creature to play under your control. * Shirei's ability doesn't affect creatures put into your graveyard before Shirei enters play. The "if" clause modifies the conditions on which creatures are returned. ----- Skullsnatcher 1B Creature -- Rat Ninja 2/1 Ninjutsu {B} ({B}, Return an unblocked attacker you control to hand: Put this card into play from your hand tapped and attacking.) Whenever Skullsnatcher deals combat damage to a player, remove up to two target cards in that player's graveyard from the game. * Skullsnatcher's ability can target zero, one, or two cards in that player's graveyard. ----- Sowing Salt {2}{R}{R} Sorcery Remove target nonbasic land from the game. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that land and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library. * The copies must be found if they are in publicly viewable zones. Finding copies while searching private zones is optional. ----- Splinter {2}{G}{G} Sorcery Remove target artifact from the game. Search its controller's graveyard, hand, and library for all cards with the same name as that artifact and remove them from the game. That player then shuffles his or her library. * The copies must be found if they are in publicly viewable zones. Finding copies while searching private zones is optional. * Splinter can target and remove cards that aren't always artifacts, but are artifacts when Splinter is played and resolves (such as an animated Stalking Stones). Splinter's remove effect only looks for cards by name, not type. ----- Stream of Consciousness {1}{U} Instant -- Arcane Target player shuffles up to four target cards from his or her graveyard into his or her library. * Stream of Consciousness can target from zero to four cards. * Stream of Consciousness targets the player as well as the cards. The shuffle occurs even if zero cards are targeted. ----- Sway of the Stars {8}{U}{U} Sorcery Each player shuffles his or her hand, graveyard, and permanents he or she owns into his or her library, then draws seven cards. Each player's life total becomes 7. * Changes in life total are treated as life gain and life loss. * Tokens are included in the effect but shouldn't actually be included in the shuffle. Tokens will cease to exist immediately after the spell resolves. ----- That Which Was Taken 5 Legendary Artifact {4}, {T}: Put a divinity counter on target permanent other than That Which Was Taken. Each permanent with a divinity counter on it is indestructible. * Permanents with divinity counters on them are only indestructible if That Which Was Taken is in play. * The divinity counters created by That Which Was Taken are the same type of counter as those used by the Myojin creatures in the Champions of Kamigawa set. * One That Which Was Taken can put divinity counters on another That Which Was Taken (for example, if Mirror Gallery is in play). ----- Threads of Disloyalty {1}{U}{U} Enchant Creature Threads of Disloyalty can enchant only a creature with converted mana cost 2 or less. You control enchanted creature. * Threads of Disloyalty can't target a creature with converted mana cost 3 or greater. If it somehow enchants a creature with converted mana cost 3 or greater, Threads of Disloyalty is put into the graveyard the next time state-based effects are checked. * Creatures in play treat {X} in their mana cost as 0 for the purposes of calculating converted mana costs. * Tokens usually have a converted mana cost of 0. ----- Toils of Night and Day {2}{U} Instant -- Arcane Tap or untap target permanent, then tap or untap another target permanent. * You must choose two different targets when you play Toils of Night and Day. The targets are chosen on announcement. The tap or untap choice is made on resolution. ----- Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar {5}{U} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 1/5 If you would draw a card, look at the top three cards of your library instead. Put one of those cards into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. * Tomorrow's ability makes you look at the top three cards, not draw them. Therefore it won't trigger abilities that trigger when cards are drawn. * Having multiple Tomorrows in play does nothing extra. * If you would draw two cards, you look at the top three cards of your library, keep one, and put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. Then you look at the new top three cards of your library, keep one, and put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order. * If you have fewer than three cards in your library, you keep one and put the rest back. If you have no cards in your library, you do nothing. * Since Tomorrow replaces all your card drawing with looking at cards, you can't lose the game by being required to draw more cards than are in your library (see rule 420.5g) with Tomorrow in play. ----- Torrent of Stone {3}{R} Instant -- Arcane Torrent of Stone deals 4 damage to target creature. Splice onto Arcane—Sacrifice two mountains. * Nonbasic lands that have the land type "Mountain" (such as some of the Revised dual lands) can be sacrificed to play Torrent of Stone's splice onto Arcane ability. ----- Toshiro Umezawa {1}{B}{B} Legendary Creature -- Human Samurai 2/2 Bushido 1 Whenever a creature an opponent controls is put into a graveyard from play, you may play target instant card in your graveyard. If that card would be put into a graveyard this turn, remove it from the game instead. * You must still pay the mana cost of the target instant in your graveyard to play it using Toshiro's ability. * Creatures destroyed by an instant can cause a trigger that allows the instant to be played again. For example, play Terror on an opponent's creature. The creature is destroyed, triggering Toshiro's ability, and then the Terror is put into your graveyard. You can put Toshiro's ability on the stack targeting the Terror and then replay it when the ability resolves. ----- Umezawa's Jitte {2} Legendary Artifact -- Equipment Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage, put two charge counters on Umezawa's Jitte. Remove a charge counter from Umezawa's Jitte: Choose one -- Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn; or target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn; or you gain 2 life. Equip {2} * Umezawa's Jitte's activated ability generates a modal choice. The choice is made when the ability is announced. * If the "target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn" mode is chosen, the target creature must also be announced. * The ability can be used any time Umezawa's Jitte's controller has priority -- only the "target creature" choice has additional requirements. Choosing the "Equipped creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn" mode does nothing if the Jitte isn't equipped to a creature when the ability resolves. * If the Jitte is moved after the "+2/+2" mode is announced but before it resolves, the bonus is given to the creature that is equipped when the ability resolves. * If the Jitte leaves play after the "+2/+2" mode is announced but before it resolves, the bonus is given to the creature that was most recently equipped once the ability resolves. ----- Ward of Piety {1}{W} Enchant Creature {1}{W}: The next 1 damage that would be dealt to enchanted creature this turn is dealt to target creature or player instead. * Redirected damage retains its information. For example, your opponent attacks you with Slith Firewalker (which reads, in part, "Whenever Slith Firewalker deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.") and you block with a creature enchanted with Ward of Piety. If you activate Ward of Piety, targeting your opponent, the Slith's ability triggers during the combat damage step and it gets a +1/+1 counter. It's still combat damage. ----- Yomiji, Who Bars the Way {5}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Spirit 4/4 Whenever a legendary permanent other than Yomiji, Who Bars the Way is put into a graveyard from play, return that card to its owner's hand. * Yomiji's ability triggers whenever any legendary permanent is put into a graveyard from play, not just legendary creatures. * Yomiji's ability triggers even if Yomiji is going to the graveyard at the same time as the other legendary permanent. ----- All trademarks, including character names, are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. (Copr.)2005 Wizards.