_Ravnica: City of Guilds_(TM) Frequently Asked Questions Compiled by Mark L. Gottlieb, with contributions from Laurie Cheers, Dave DeLaney, Jeff Jordan, and Lee Sharpe Document last modified August 30, 2005 Ravnica: City of Guilds Prerelease tournaments: September 24-25, 2005 Ravnica: City of Guilds official release date: October 7, 2005 The Ravnica: City of Guilds set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play October 20, 2005. Set size: 306 cards (110 common, 88 uncommon, 88 rare, 20 basic lands) This FAQ has two sections, each of which serves a different purpose. The first section ("General Notes") explains the new mechanics and concepts in the set. The second section ("Card-Specific Notes") contains answers to the most important questions players might ask about a given card. Items in the "Card-Specific Notes" section include full rules text for your reference. Not all cards in the set are listed. ----- GENERAL NOTES Hybrid Cards and Half-Half Mana Symbols The _Ravnica_(TM) set introduces four out of a set of ten new mana symbols. "Half-half" mana symbols are half one color and half another color. Cards that have half-half mana symbols in their mana costs are called "hybrid" cards. Hybrid cards are multicolored cards. Unlike other multicolored cards, which appear in a gold frame, hybrid cards appear in a two-tone frame; the left half of the card's frame is one of its colors and the right half is its other color. Boros Recruit {R/W} Creature -- Goblin Soldier 1/1 ({R/W} can be paid with either {R} or {W}.) First strike The official rules for half-half mana symbols are as follows: 104.3. The mana symbols are {W}, {U}, {B}, {R}, {G}, {X}, {Y}, {Z}, the numerals {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, and so on, and the half-half symbols {W/U}, {W/B}, {U/B}, {U/R}, {B/R}, {B/G}, {R/G}, {R/W}, {G/W}, and {G/U}. 104.3f Each of the half-half mana symbols represents a cost which can be paid with one of two colors: {W/U} in a cost can be paid with either white or blue mana, {W/B} white or black, {U/B} blue or black, {U/R} blue or red, {B/R} black or red, {B/G} black or green, {R/G} red or green, {R/W} red or white, {G/W} green or white, and {G/U} green or blue. Example: {G/W}{G/W} can be paid by spending {G}{G}, {G}{W}, or {W}{W}. 203.2e An object with one or more half-half mana symbols in its mana cost is each of the colors of that mana symbol, in addition to any other colors the object might be. Most cards with half-half mana symbols in their mana costs are printed in a two-tone frame. See rule 104.3. * A hybrid card is each color that appears in its mana cost, regardless of what color or colors were paid to play it. For example, a card that costs {R/W} is red and white. * As you play a hybrid card, you choose which color of mana you will spend for each half-half mana symbol at the same time you would choose modes or choose a value for X. If an effect then reduces the cost of that spell by one or more colored mana, it does so if those colors are part of the cost you determined for the spell. The spell is all the card's colors, no matter what mana you pay its cost with. * Half-half mana symbols are not new colors. You can't add half-half mana to your mana pool. ----- Guilds Each two-color combination in the _Magic_(TM) game is represented in the world of Ravnica by a guild -- an organized association of people with common beliefs. Four of these guilds appear in this set and the remaining six will appear later in the Ravnica block. You can tell if a card is identified with a guild by the appearance of a guild symbol in the background of its text box. For example, the symbol of the green-white Selesnya guild appears on green-white cards, cards with the convoke mechanic, lands that produce green and white mana, and so on. The guild symbols have no effect on game play. ----- Convoke Convoke is a static ability that lets you tap your creatures to help pay for other spells. Only cards from the Selesnya guild (green, white, or green-white) have convoke. Conclave Equenaut {4}{W}{W} Creature -- Human Soldier 3/3 Convoke (Each creature you tap while playing this spell reduces its cost by {1} or by one mana of that creature's color.) Flying The official rules for the convoke ability are as follows: 502.46. Convoke 502.46a Convoke is a static ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. "Convoke" means "As an additional cost to play this spell, you may tap any number of untapped creatures you control. Each creature tapped this way reduces the cost to play this spell by {1} or by one mana of any of that creature's colors." Using the convoke ability follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 409.1b and 4091f-h. Example: You play Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi, a spell with convoke that costs {3}{G}{W}. You announce that you're going to tap an artifact creature, a red creature, and a green-and-white creature to help pay for it. The artifact creature and the red creature each reduce the spell's cost by {1}. You choose whether the green-white creature reduces the spell's cost by {1}, {G}, or {W}. Then the creatures become tapped as you pay Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi's cost. 502.46b Convoke can't reduce the cost to play a spell to less than 0. 502.46c Multiple instances of convoke on the same spell are redundant. * You can tap only untapped creatures you control to reduce the cost of a spell with convoke that you play. * While playing a spell with convoke, if you control a creature that taps to produce mana, you can either tap it for mana or tap it to reduce the cost of the spell, but not both. * If you tap a multicolored creature to reduce the cost of a spell with convoke, you reduce the cost by {1} or by one mana of your choice of any of that creature's colors. * Convoke doesn't change a spell's mana cost or converted mana cost. ----- Dredge Dredge is a static ability that lets you return cards from your graveyard to your hand. Only cards from the Golgari guild (black, green, or black-green) have dredge. Greater Mossdog {3}{G} Creature -- Hound 3/3 Dredge 3 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly three cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.) The official rules for the dredge ability are as follows: 502.47. Dredge 502.47a Dredge is a static ability that functions only while the card with dredge is in a player's graveyard. "Dredge N" means "As long as you have at least N cards in your library, if you would draw a card, instead you may put N cards from the top of your library into your graveyard and return this card from your graveyard to your hand." 502.47b A player with fewer cards in his or her library than the number required by a dredge ability can't put any of them into his or her graveyard this way. * Dredge lets you replace any card draw, not just the one during your draw step. * Once you decide to replace a draw using a card's dredge ability, that card can't be removed from your graveyard "in response." (Replacement effects don't use the stack.) * You can't use dredge unless you're going to draw a card and the card with dredge is already in your graveyard. ----- Transmute Transmute is an activated ability that lets you turn cards into other cards. Only cards from the Dimir guild (blue, black, or blue-black) have transmute. Dizzy Spell {U} Instant Target creature gets -3/-0 until end of turn. Transmute {1}{U}{U} ({1}{U}{U}, Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as this card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play only as a sorcery.) The official rules for the transmute ability are as follows: 502.48. Transmute 502.48a Transmute is an activated ability that functions only while the card with transmute is in a player's hand. "Transmute [cost]" means "[Cost], Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as the discarded card, reveal that card, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play this ability only any time you could play a sorcery." 502.48b Although the transmute ability is playable only if the card is in a player's hand, it continues to exist while the object is in play and in all other zones. Therefore objects with transmute will be affected by effects that depend on objects having one or more activated abilities. * If you transmute a card with mana cost {U}{U}, for example, you can search for any card in your library with converted mana cost 2. It doesn't matter what type or colors that card is. * You don't need to have another card with the same converted mana cost in your library to play the transmute ability, and you don't need to find a card even if there is one. ----- Radiance Radiance is an ability word that spreads a spell or ability out to similarly colored creatures (or, in one case, enchantments). Only cards from the Boros guild (red, white, or red-white) have radiance. Cleansing Beam {4}{R} Instant Radiance -- Cleansing Beam deals 2 damage to target creature and each other creature that shares a color with it. * All creatures that share a color are affected, even your own. * A creature "shares a color" with any creature that is at least one of its colors. For example, a green-white creature shares a color with creatures that are green, white, green-white, red-white, black-green, and so on. * If a radiance spell targets a colorless creature, it doesn't affect any other creatures. A colorless creature shares a color with nothing, not even other colorless creatures. * You check which creatures share a color with the target when the spell resolves. * Only one creature is targeted. If that creature leaves play or otherwise becomes an illegal target, the entire spell is countered. No other creatures are affected. ----- "Dual Lands" There are four "dual lands" in the _Ravnica_ set: Overgrown Tomb, Sacred Foundry, Temple Garden, and Watery Grave. Overgrown Tomb Land -- Swamp Forest ({T}: Add {B} or {G} to your mana pool.) As Overgrown Tomb comes into play, you may pay 2 life. If you don't, Overgrown Tomb comes into play tapped instead. * These dual lands have basic land types, but they aren't basic lands. Things that affect basic lands don't affect them. Things that affect basic land types do. For example, Civic Wayfinder ("search your library for a basic land card") can't find Overgrown Tomb, but you can sacrifice Overgrown Tomb to Dark Heart of the Wood ("Sacrifice a Forest: You gain 3 life"). * If another effect (such as Loxodon Gatekeeper's ability) tells you to put lands into play tapped, Overgrown Tomb comes into play tapped whether you pay 2 life or not. * If multiple permanents with "as comes into play" effects are coming into play at the same time, process those effects one at a time, then put the permanents into play all at once. For example, if you're at 3 life and an effect puts two Overgrown Tombs into play, you can pay 2 life for only one of them, not both. ----- "Enhanced" Spells Some monocolored spells in the Ravnica set have a bigger effect if mana of a specific color was used to pay their costs. Dryad's Caress {4}{G}{G} Instant You gain 1 life for each creature in play. If {W} was spent to play Dryad's Caress, untap all creatures you control. * The spell checks on resolution to see if any mana of the stated color was spent to pay its cost. It doesn't matter how much mana of that color was spent. * If the spell is copied (such as with Twincast), the copy will never have had mana of the stated color paid for it, no matter what colors were spent on the original spell. ----- CARD-SPECIFIC NOTES Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran {3}{R}{W} Legendary Creature -- Human Soldier 3/3 Whenever Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran attacks, attacking red creatures get +2/+0 and attacking white creatures get +0/+2 until end of turn. * Attacking creatures (including Agrus Kos) that are both red and white get +2/+2 until end of turn. ----- Auratouched Mage {5}{W} Creature -- Human Wizard 3/3 When Auratouched Mage comes into play, search your library for an Aura card that could enchant it. If Auratouched Mage is still in play, attach that Aura to it. Otherwise, reveal the Aura card and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. * Any Aura card you find must be able to enchant Auratouched Mage as it currently exists, or as it most recently existed in play if it's no longer in play. If an effect has made the Mage an artifact, for example, you could search for an Aura with "enchant artifact." ----- Bathe in Light {1}{W} Instant Radiance -- Choose a color. Target creature and each other creature that shares a color with it gain protection from the chosen color until end of turn. * The color you choose as the spell resolves has nothing to do with the color or colors shared by the affected creatures. ----- Bloodletter Quill {3} Artifact {2}, {T}, Put a blood counter on Bloodletter Quill: Draw a card, then lose 1 life for each blood counter on Bloodletter Quill. {U}{B}: Remove a blood counter from Bloodletter Quill. * You may play the second ability in response to playing the first one. If you do, you'll remove the blood counter that was just added before you lose the life. ----- Boros Fury-Shield {2}{W} Instant Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt by target attacking or blocking creature this turn. If {R} was spent to play Boros Fury-Shield, it deals damage to that creature's controller equal to the creature's power. * If red mana was spent, Boros Fury-Shield, not the target creature, deals the damage to the creature's controller. ----- Breath of Fury {2}{R}{R} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature you control When enchanted creature deals combat damage to a player, sacrifice it and attach Breath of Fury to a creature you control. If you do, untap all creatures you control and after this phase, there is an additional combat phase. * If there isn't a legal creature to attach Breath of Fury to after the enchanted creature is sacrificed, you don't untap your creatures or get an additional combat phase, and Breath of Fury is put into its owner's graveyard as a state-based effect. ----- Brightflame {X}{R}{R}{W}{W} Sorcery Radiance -- Brightflame deals X damage to target creature and each other creature that shares a color with it. You gain life equal to the damage dealt this way. * You gain life equal to the total damage dealt by Brightflame to all creatures. You don't gain life for any damage that was prevented. ----- Chant of Vitu-Ghazi {6}{W}{W} Instant Convoke (Each creature you tap while playing this spell reduces its cost by {1} or by one mana of that creature's color.) Prevent all damage that would be dealt by creatures this turn. You gain 1 life for each damage prevented this way. * The damage prevention shield lasts for the rest of the turn, and you gain life each time that shield prevents 1 or more damage. ----- Chord of Calling {X}{G}{G}{G} Instant Convoke (Each creature you tap while playing this spell reduces its cost by {1} or by one mana of that creature's color.) Search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost X or less and put it into play. Then shuffle your library. * You announce what X is first, and then announce which creatures you're tapping to reduce the cost to play the spell. ----- Chorus of the Conclave {4}{G}{G}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Dryad Lord 3/8 Forestwalk As an additional cost to play creature spells, you may pay any amount of mana. If you do, that creature comes into play with that many additional +1/+1 counters on it. * Chorus of the Conclave's ability works only while it's in play, so you can't use it to put +1/+1 counters on itself. * Chorus of the Conclave's ability applies to creature spells only as they're being played. You can't pay mana to put counters on creatures being put into play by an effect. * Chorus of the Conclave's ability combines well with the convoke mechanic, effectively letting you tap creatures to put +1/+1 counters on the creature with convoke that you're playing, if you choose to do so. ----- Circu, Dimir Lobotomist {2}{U}{B} Legendary Creature -- Human Wizard 2/3 Whenever you play a blue spell, remove the top card of target library from the game. Whenever you play a black spell, remove the top card of target library from the game. Your opponents can't play nonland cards with the same name as a card removed from the game with Circu. * The first two abilities target libraries, not players. * If you play a blue and black spell, both of Circu's triggered abilities trigger. You can target two different libraries or target the same library twice. * Circu's last ability applies to all of its controller's opponents, not just the owner of the removed card. * Circu's last ability doesn't prevent copies of the removed cards from being played because copies aren't cards. * If a split card is removed this way, opponents can't play either half of the split card. ----- Compulsive Research {2}{U} Sorcery Target player draws three cards. Then that player discards two cards unless he or she discards a land card. * A player can discard either one land card or two cards which may or may not be lands. (The player can discard two land cards if he or she chooses.) ----- Concerted Effort {2}{W}{W} Enchantment At the beginning of each player's upkeep, all creatures you control gain flying until end of turn if a creature you control has flying. The same is true for fear, first strike, double strike, landwalk, protection, trample, and vigilance. * Suppose a player controls three creatures when Concerted Effort's ability resolves: one creature with flying and protection from red, one with islandwalk and protection from green; and one with vigilance. All three creatures will have flying, islandwalk, vigilance, protection from red, and protection from green until the end of the turn. * Creatures keep all abilities granted this way until the end of the turn, even if Concerted Effort or the original creature with that ability leaves play. ----- Congregation at Dawn {G}{G}{W} Instant Search your library for up to three creature cards and reveal them. Shuffle your library, then put those cards on top of it in any order. * The order in which the cards are placed on top of the library isn't revealed. ----- Copy Enchantment {2}{U} Enchantment As Copy Enchantment comes into play, you may choose an enchantment in play. If you do, Copy Enchantment comes into play as a copy of that enchantment. * If you choose an Aura, you also choose a legal permanent for the Copy Enchantment copy of it to enchant. Copy Enchantment doesn't target that permanent, however, so it can come into play attached to an untargetable creature. * If you choose an Aura and there isn't a legal permanent for it to enchant, you put Copy Enchantment into your graveyard. It never comes into play. * If you don't choose an enchantment, Copy Enchantment comes into play without copying anything, and it sits there with a useless ability. ----- Crown of Convergence {2} Artifact Play with the top card of your library revealed. As long as the top card of your library is a creature card, creatures you control that share a color with that card get +1/+1. {G}{W}: Put the top card of your library on the bottom of your library. * A colorless creature on top of your library never gives a bonus, and a colorless creature in play never gets a bonus. ----- Dimir Doppelganger {1}{U}{B} Creature -- Shapeshifter 0/2 {1}{U}{B}: Remove target creature card in a graveyard from the game. Dimir Doppelganger becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability. * This creature becomes an exact copy of a copied card, except that it also has Dimir Doppelganger's activated ability. If it becomes a copy of a different creature card, the new copy will overwrite the old copy. * A permanent's ability that refers to cards the creature removed from the game (such as Sisters of Stone Death's third ability) only affects cards removed by other abilities intrinsic to that permanent (such as Sisters of Stone Death's second ability). Suppose that (a) Dimir Doppelganger copies Arc-Slogger, (b) its "deal 2 damage" ability is activated, and then (c) it copies Sisters of Stone Death. Creatures removed by Arc-Slogger's ability can't be returned with Sisters of Stone Death's ability. ----- Doubling Season {4}{G} Enchantment If an effect would put one or more tokens into play under your control, it puts twice that many into play instead. If an effect would place one or more counters on a permanent you control, it places twice that many on that permanent instead. * The tokens and counters that Doubling Season creates are exact copies of the kind of tokens and counters that were being created in the first place. * Doubling Season affects cards that "come into play with" a certain number of counters. Triskelion, for example, would come into play with six +1/+1 counters on it rather than three. * If there are two Doubling Seasons in play, then the number of tokens or counters is four times the original number. If there are three in play, then the number of tokens or counters is eight times the original number. ----- Drake Familiar {1}{U} Creature -- Drake 2/1 Flying When Drake Familiar comes into play, sacrifice it unless you return an enchantment in play to its owner's hand. * The ability lets you return any enchantment in play, including an opponent's enchantment. The ability isn't targeted, so you can return an untargetable enchantment. If there are no enchantments in play, or you choose not to return one, you must sacrifice Drake Familiar. ----- Dream Leash {3}{U}{U} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant permanent You may play Dream Leash only on a tapped permanent. You control enchanted permanent. * The restriction that the permanent must be tapped is checked only if you play Dream Leash as a spell. Once Dream Leash is in play, it doesn't matter if the enchanted permanent becomes untapped. * If an effect puts Dream Leash into play or moves it to another permanent, the permanent it becomes attached to need not be tapped. If you play Copy Enchantment and copy Dream Leash as it comes into play, the permanent it becomes attached to need not be tapped. ----- Dromad Purebred {4}{W} Creature -- Beast 1/5 Whenever Dromad Purebred is dealt damage, you gain 1 life. * Each time Dromad Purebred is dealt damage, including from multiple sources at once, you gain 1 life. You don't gain life equal to the damage dealt. ----- Excruciator {6}{R}{R} Creature -- Avatar 7/7 Damage that would be dealt by Excruciator can't be prevented. * An effect may redirect Excruciator's damage. * Excruciator can deal damage to creatures with protection from red. (It can't block creatures with protection from red, though.) * Damage prevention shields that would prevent this damage aren't used and they stick around for the next time something would deal damage. * A creature dealt lethal damage by Excruciator can be regenerated. * Replacement effects that don't use the word "prevent" can replace Excruciator's damage with something else. See Phytohydra and Szadek, Lord of Secrets, for example. ----- Eye of the Storm {5}{U}{U} Enchantment Whenever a player plays an instant or sorcery card, remove it from the game. Then that player copies each instant or sorcery card removed from the game with Eye of the Storm. For each copy, the player may play the copy without paying its mana cost. * The ability triggers when a player plays an instant or sorcery *card*. A copy of a spell (such as those generated by Eye of the Storm itself) won't trigger this ability. The card that was played is removed from the game and won't resolve, but the player will get a copy of the spell from Eye of the Storm. * When the ability resolves, the player copies all cards removed from the game with Eye of the Storm, not just the cards he or she owns. That player then chooses which of those copies to play, if any. All chosen copies are played in the order the player chooses. * The player chooses modes, pays additional costs, chooses targets, and so on for the copies when playing them. Any X in the mana cost of a copy played this way will be 0. Alternative costs can't be paid. ----- Faith's Fetters {3}{W} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant permanent When Faith's Fetters comes into play, you gain 4 life. Enchanted permanent's activated abilities can't be played unless they're mana abilities. If enchanted permanent is a creature, it can't attack or block. * Faith's Fetters doesn't stop static abilities, triggered abilities, or mana abilities from working. (A "mana ability" is an ability that produces mana, not an ability that costs mana.) ----- Festival of the Guildpact {X}{W} Instant Prevent the next X damage that would be dealt to you this turn. Draw a card. * You draw a card when Festival of the Guildpact resolves, not when damage is prevented. ----- Firemane Angel {3}{R}{W}{W} Creature -- Angel 4/3 Flying, first strike At the beginning of your upkeep, if Firemane Angel is in your graveyard or in play, you may gain 1 life. {6}{R}{R}{W}{W}: Return Firemane Angel from your graveyard to play. Play this ability only during your upkeep. * If you return Firemane Angel from your graveyard to play during your upkeep before its life-gain ability resolves, you won't gain 1 life. (Most of the time, players will let the triggered ability resolve before playing its activated ability.) ----- Fists of Ironwood {1}{G} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature When Fists of Ironwood comes into play, put two 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens into play. Enchanted creature has trample. * You control the Saprolings, even if Fists of Ironwood comes into play attached to another player's creature. * The Saprolings don't appear until after Fists of Ironwood is in play, so you can't play Fists of Ironwood on one of those Saprolings. ----- Flame Fusillade {3}{R} Sorcery Until end of turn, permanents you control gain "{T}: This permanent deals 1 damage to target creature or player." * "Summoning sickness" applies only to creatures, not to other permanents. You may tap a noncreature permanent to pay for an ability with {T} in its cost even if the permanent came into play that turn. * Tapping an Aura or Equipment doesn't tap the creature it's attached to and vice versa. Tapped enchantments work normally. Tapped artifacts work normally unless they say otherwise. ----- Flash Conscription {5}{R} Instant Untap target creature and gain control of it until end of turn. That creature gains haste until end of turn. If {W} was spent to play Flash Conscription, the creature gains "Whenever this creature deals combat damage, you gain that much life" until end of turn. * If white mana was paid, the player who controls the creature when it deals combat damage will be the one who gains life. ----- Flickerform {1}{W} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature {2}{W}{W}: Remove enchanted creature and all Auras attached to it from the game. At end of turn, return that card to play under its owner's control. If you do, return those Auras to play under their owners' control enchanting that creature. * The card that was enchanted comes back into play first, regardless of whether it's still a creature. Then any Auras removed from the game that can legally enchant that card come back. Any Auras that can't enchant that permanent remain removed from the game. * If the enchanted creature was a token, it ceased to exist when it was removed from the game. Any Auras that were attached to it (including Flickerform) remain removed from the game. * If the enchanted creature was also enchanted by Copy Enchantment, Copy Enchantment will come back into play attached to that permanent. As Copy Enchantment returns to play, its controller may choose any enchantment in play for it to copy. It can't copy Flickerform or any other Aura returning to play at the same time. If it copies a non-Aura enchantment, it will become unattached from the permanent and remain in play. ----- Followed Footsteps {3}{U}{U} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature At the beginning of your upkeep, put a creature token into play that's a copy of enchanted creature. * Any comes-into-play abilities of the copied creature trigger when the creature tokens come into play. The creature tokens also have any "this comes into play with" or "as this comes into play" abilities that the copied creature has. ----- Gaze of the Gorgon {3}{B/G} Instant ({B/G} can be paid with either {B} or {G}.) Regenerate target creature. At end of combat, destroy all creatures that blocked or were blocked by that creature this turn. * At the next end of combat step in the turn, all creatures that had blocked the targeted creature at any point during the turn will be destroyed. This includes creatures that blocked it before Gaze of the Gorgon was played. It doesn't matter whether the targeted creature is still in play at that point. * See "Hybrid Cards and Half-Half Mana Symbols" in the "GENERAL NOTES" section. ----- Ghosts of the Innocent {5}{W}{W} Creature -- Spirit 4/5 If a source would deal damage to a creature or player, it deals half that damage, rounded down, to that creature or player instead. * If a damage prevention effect and Ghosts of the Innocent's effect would apply to the same damage, the player or the controller of the creature being dealt damage may apply the effects in either order (most likely applying the halving effect first). * Half of 1 rounded down is 0. A source that would deal 1 damage to a creature or player won't deal damage to that creature or player at all. * Multiple Ghosts of the Innocent effects are cumulative, and each will halve the damage, rounded down. For example, with three in play, 14 damage becomes 7, then 3, then finally 1, and only 1 damage would actually be dealt. * This isn't a damage prevention effect. If Excruciator ("Damage that would be dealt by Excruciator can't be prevented") would deal 7 damage to a creature or player, it deals 3 damage instead. * If damage is redirected, it's only halved once. * If both Ghosts of the Innocent and Furnace of Rath (which doubles damage) are in play, the controller of the creature being dealt damage or the player being dealt damage can apply the effects in either order. This can matter if the original amount of damage is odd. For example, if a source would deal 3 damage, Ghosts of the Innocent would make it 1 damage, then Furnace of Rath would make it 2 damage, if the player chose to apply the effects in that order. ----- Gleancrawler {3}{B/G}{B/G}{B/G} Creature -- Insect Horror 6/6 ({B/G} can be paid with either {B} or {G}.) Trample At the end of your turn, return to your hand all creature cards in your graveyard that were put into your graveyard from play this turn. * When this ability resolves, it returns all creature cards currently in your graveyard that were put there directly from the in-play zone sometime during the turn. This includes cards that were put into your graveyard before Gleancrawler came into play. * See "Hybrid Cards and Half-Half Mana Symbols" in the "GENERAL NOTES" section. ----- Goblin Fire Fiend {3}{R} Creature -- Goblin Berserker 1/1 Haste Defending player blocks Goblin Fire Fiend if able. {R}: Goblin Fire Fiend gets +1/+0 until end of turn. * Goblin Fire Fiend has received errata. The new text is: Haste Goblin Fire Fiend must be blocked if able. {R}: Goblin Fire Fiend gets +1/+0 until end of turn. * If Goblin Fire Fiend is attacking, the defending player must assign at least one blocker to it during the declare blockers step if that player controls any creatures that could block Goblin Fire Fiend. ----- Golgari Brownscale {1}{G}{G} Creature -- Lizard 2/3 When Golgari Brownscale is put into your hand from your graveyard, you gain 2 life. Dredge 2 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly two cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.) * The first ability triggers when Golgari Brownscale returns to your hand from your graveyard for any reason, not just when you use its dredge ability. ----- Golgari Grave-Troll {4}{G} Creature -- Skeleton Troll 0/0 Golgari Grave-Troll comes into play with a +1/+1 counter on it for each creature card in your graveyard. {1}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Golgari Grave-Troll: Regenerate Golgari Grave-Troll. Dredge 6 * If an effect puts Golgari Grave-Troll into play from your graveyard, Golgari Grave-Troll counts itself as one of the cards in your graveyard and gets a counter accordingly. ----- Grave-Shell Scarab {2}{B}{G}{G} Creature -- Insect 4/4 {1}, Sacrifice Grave-Shell Scarab: Draw a card. Dredge 1 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly one card from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.) * You may sacrifice Grave-Shell Scarab to pay for its first ability, then replace that draw using the Scarab's dredge ability. The result is that the top card of your library is put into your graveyard and Grave-Shell Scarab returns to your hand (after a brief trip to the graveyard). ----- Grifter's Blade {3} Artifact -- Equipment You may play Grifter's Blade any time you could play an instant. Grifter's Blade comes into play equipping a creature of your choice you control. Equipped creature gets +1/+1. Equip {1} * Grifter's Blade must come into play attached to a creature you control, if possible. * If you don't control a creature Grifter's Blade could be attached to, it comes into play unattached. ----- Grozoth {6}{U}{U}{U} Creature -- Leviathan 9/9 Defender (This creature can't attack.) When Grozoth comes into play, you may search your library for any number of cards that have converted mana cost 9, reveal them, and put them into your hand. If you do, shuffle your library. {4}: Grozoth loses defender until end of turn. Transmute {1}{U}{U} * The search ability lets you find cards whose converted mana costs are each equal to exactly 9, such as other Grozoths. ----- Hex {4}{B}{B} Sorcery Destroy six target creatures. * You must target six different creatures. If you can't, you can't play Hex. If some of the creatures become illegal targets before the spell resolves, Hex will still destroy the rest of them. ----- Hunted Dragon {3}{R}{R} Creature -- Dragon 6/6 Flying, haste When Hunted Dragon comes into play, put three 2/2 white Knight creature tokens with first strike into play under target opponent's control. * The tokens are the color white and have name and creature type Knight. They are *not* functionally identical to the card White Knight. ----- Incite Hysteria {2}{R} Sorcery Radiance -- Creatures that share a color with target creature can't block this turn. * Incite Hysteria has received errata. The new text is: Radiance -- Until end of turn, target creature and each other creature that shares a color with it gain "This creature can't block." * The targeted creature and the creatures that share a color with it at the time Incite Hysteria resolves won't be able to block this turn. It doesn't matter if those creatures change colors before blockers are declared. ----- Instill Furor {1}{R} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature has "At the end of your turn, sacrifice this creature unless it attacked this turn." * Instill Furor grants a triggered ability that triggers at the end of the creature's controller's turn. * Once the ability triggers, nothing that happens to Instill Furor can prevent the ability from resolving. ----- Loxodon Hierarch {2}{G}{W} Creature -- Elephant Cleric 4/4 When Loxodon Hierarch comes into play, you gain 4 life. {G}{W}, Sacrifice Loxodon Hierarch: Regenerate each creature you control. * The second ability sets up individual regeneration shields for each creature you control. They are each used up as necessary during the turn and wear off when the turn ends. ----- Master Warcraft {2}{R/W}{R/W} Instant ({R/W} can be paid with either {R} or {W}.) Play Master Warcraft only before attackers are declared. You choose which creatures attack this turn. You choose how each creature blocks this turn. * You choose attackers and make blocking assignments regardless of whether it's your turn and regardless of whether the creatures are attacking you. Your choices must be legal within the normal rules for attacking and blocking. * If an additional combat phase has been created, you may, if you choose, play Master Warcraft after attackers have been declared during the first combat phase but before attackers have been declared during the second one. * See "Hybrid Cards and Half-Half Mana Symbols" in the "GENERAL NOTES" section. ----- Mindleech Mass {5}{U}{B}{B} Creature -- Horror 6/6 Trample Whenever Mindleech Mass deals combat damage to a player, you may look at that player's hand. If you do, you may play a nonland card in it without paying that card's mana cost. * The spell is played during the resolution of Mindleech Mass's triggered ability. You may play any nonland card in the player's hand, not just an instant card. This doesn't get around other prohibitions, such as "Play this card only before attackers are declared." * You control the spell and, if it's an artifact, creature, or enchantment spell, you control the resulting permanent. * The card is played from your opponent's hand, not yours. * You choose modes, pay additional costs, choose targets, etc. for the spell as normal when playing it. Any X in the mana cost will be 0. Alternative costs can't be paid. ----- Mindmoil {4}{R} Enchantment Whenever you play a spell, put the cards in your hand on the bottom of your library in any order, then draw that many cards. * Whenever you play a spell, Mindmoil's ability triggers. The ability will resolve before the spell does. * After Mindmoil's ability triggers, players may play instants and activated abilities. Each time you play an instant spell "in response," Mindmoil's ability triggers again. * After Mindmoil's ability resolves, but before the spell that triggered it does, you can play instants from your new hand of cards. Each time you do, Mindmoil's ability triggers again. ----- Molten Sentry {3}{R} Creature -- Elemental */* As Molten Sentry comes into play, flip a coin. If the coin comes up heads, Molten Sentry comes into play as a 5/2 creature with haste. If it comes up tails, Molten Sentry comes into play as a 2/5 creature with defender. * If a creature comes into play copying Molten Sentry, that creature's controller flips a coin to see what the copy will be. * If a creature that's already in play copies Molten Sentry, it becomes a copy of whatever Molten Sentry already is (either a 5/2 creature with haste or a 2/5 creature with defender). ----- Necromantic Thirst {2}{B}{B} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Whenever enchanted creature deals combat damage to a player, you may return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand. * The target is chosen just after any creatures dealt lethal damage at the same time that the enchanted creature dealt damage have been put into the graveyard. That might include the enchanted creature itself, if it had trample and was blocked, for example. ----- Nullstone Gargoyle {9} Artifact Creature -- Gargoyle 4/5 Flying Whenever the first noncreature spell each turn is played, counter that spell. * Nullstone Gargoyle cares about the first noncreature spell played during a turn, not the first one it "sees." If a noncreature spell was played before Nullstone Gargoyle came into play, it won't counter the next one. * If another spell is played in response to the first spell, Nullstone Gargoyle doesn't affect that second spell. ----- Pariah's Shield {5} Artifact -- Equipment All damage that would be dealt to you is dealt to equipped creature instead. Equip {3} * If Pariah's Shield isn't attached to a creature, all damage that would be dealt to you is dealt to you normally. ----- Perilous Forays {3}{G}{G} Enchantment {1}, Sacrifice a creature: Search your library for a land card with a basic land type and put it into play tapped. Then shuffle your library. * You may find any card with Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest on its type line. The land doesn't need to be a basic land, so you can find a land such as Overgrown Tomb. ----- Perplex {1}{U}{B} Instant Counter target spell unless its controller discards his or her hand. Transmute {1}{U}{B} ({1}{U}{B}, Discard this card: Search your library for a card with the same converted mana cost as this card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library. Play only as a sorcery.) * If the spell's controller has no cards in his or her hand, that player can still choose to discard his or her hand and prevent the spell from being countered. ----- Phytohydra {2}{G}{W}{W} Creature -- Plant Hydra 1/1 If damage would be dealt to Phytohydra, put that many +1/+1 counters on it instead. * If another effect would prevent damage from being dealt to Phytohydra or replace it with something else, Phytohydra's controller chooses which effect to apply first. * If Phytohydra blocks or is blocked by a creature with first strike or double strike, Phytohydra will get the counters during the first-strike combat damage step before it deals its own combat damage during the second combat damage step. ----- Plague Boiler {3} Artifact At the beginning of your upkeep, put a plague counter on Plague Boiler. {1}{B}{G}: Put a plague counter on Plague Boiler or remove a plague counter from it. When Plague Boiler has three or more plague counters on it, sacrifice it. If you do, destroy all nonland permanents. * You choose whether to add or remove a counter when the second ability resolves. You can't choose to remove a counter if there isn't one there. * If the third ability triggers, removing a counter in response won't stop the effect. However, somehow removing Plague Boiler from play in response would stop the effect because then you wouldn't be able to sacrifice Plague Boiler. ----- Quickchange {1}{U} Instant Target creature's color becomes the color or colors of your choice until end of turn. Draw a card. * You can choose any single color or any combination of more than one color. You can't choose colorless. * Quickchange won't make an artifact stop being an artifact. It'll just be a colorful artifact. ----- Razia, Boros Archangel {4}{R}{R}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Angel 6/3 Flying, vigilance, haste {T}: The next 3 damage that would be dealt to target creature you control this turn is dealt to another target creature instead. * The 3 damage doesn't have to be from the same source, and it doesn't have to be all dealt at once. If only 2 damage is redirected, the next 1 damage will also be redirected. * If either target creature leaves play before damage is dealt, that damage won't be redirected. It doesn't matter if Razia leaves play. ----- Razia's Purification {4}{R}{W} Sorcery Each player chooses three permanents he or she controls, then sacrifices the rest. * If a player doesn't control three permanents, that player chooses all the permanents he or she does control and doesn't sacrifice anything. * Players choose permanents in turn order around the table, then simultaneously sacrifice all permanents not chosen. ----- Remand {1}{U} Instant Counter target spell. If you do, return that spell card to its owner's hand. Draw a card. * Remand has received errata. The new text is: Counter target spell. If you do, put it into its owner's hand instead of into that player's graveyard. Draw a card. * The countered spell goes to its owner's hand from the stack. It never hits the graveyard. ----- Savra, Queen of the Golgari {2}{B}{G} Legendary Creature -- Elf Shaman 2/2 Whenever you sacrifice a black creature, you may pay 2 life. If you do, each other player sacrifices a creature. Whenever you sacrifice a green creature, you may gain 2 life. * These abilities trigger specifically when you "sacrifice" a creature. They won't trigger when a creature is put into your graveyard for any other reason. * Savra itself doesn't let you sacrifice creatures, and you can't sacrifice them spontaneously. You must have another spell or ability that lets you sacrifice creatures. * Sacrificing a creature that's both black and green will make both abilities trigger. You may put them on the stack in whichever order you want. ----- Searing Meditation {1}{R}{W} Enchantment Whenever you gain life, you may pay {2}. If you do, Searing Meditation deals 2 damage to target creature or player. * Searing Meditation doesn't care how much life you gain. It triggers just once for each life-gaining event, whether it's 1 life from Firemane Angel or 15 life from Brightflame. ----- Seeds of Strength {G}{W} Instant Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn. * You may choose the same creature as a target multiple times since the card says "target creature" multiple times. You may give three different creatures +1/+1 each, one creature +2/+2 and another creature +1/+1, or a single creature +3/+3. ----- Shadow of Doubt {U/B}{U/B} Instant ({U/B} can be paid with either {U} or {B}.) Players can't search libraries this turn. Draw a card. * If an effect says "You may search your library . . . If you do, shuffle your library," you can't choose to search since it's impossible, and you won't shuffle. * If an effect says "Search your library . . . Then shuffle your library," the search effect fails, but you will have to shuffle. * Since players can't search, players won't be able to find any cards in a library. The effect applies to all players and all libraries. If a spell or ability's effect has other parts that don't depend on searching for or finding cards, they will still work normally. * Effects that tell a player to reveal cards from a library or look at cards from the top of a library will still work. Only effects that use the word "search" will fail. * See "Hybrid Cards and Half-Half Mana Symbols" in the "GENERAL NOTES" section. ----- Sins of the Past {4}{B}{B} Sorcery Until end of turn, you may play target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard without paying its mana cost. If that card would be put into your graveyard this turn, remove it from the game instead. Remove Sins of the Past from the game. * The instant or sorcery card is played from your graveyard, not your hand. You choose modes, pay additional costs, choose targets, etc. for the spell as normal when playing it. Any X in the mana cost will be 0. Alternative costs can't be paid. * The instant or sorcery card never gets put back into your graveyard, even if it's countered. You can't play it more than once. ----- Sisters of Stone Death {4}{B}{B}{G}{G} Legendary Creature -- Gorgon 7/5 {G}: Target creature blocks Sisters of Stone Death this turn if able. {B}{G}: Remove from the game target creature blocking or blocked by Sisters of Stone Death. {2}{B}: Put a creature card removed from the game with Sisters of Stone Death into play under your control. * The second ability can only remove a creature that's currently blocking or being blocked by Sisters of Stone Death. If Sisters of Stone Death isn't in play or have been removed from combat, the ability will be countered. * The third ability can get back any creature card removed by the second ability, no matter when it was removed. If a card that's not a creature card (such as Svogthos, the Restless Tomb) was removed, the third ability can't return it. ----- Spawnbroker {2}{U} Creature -- Human Wizard 1/1 When Spawnbroker comes into play, you may exchange control of target creature you control and target creature with power less than or equal to that creature's power an opponent controls. * If either target becomes illegal (say, if a creature's power has changed such that the creature you control now has less power than the other creature), then the exchange won't happen. ----- Spectral Searchlight {3} Artifact {T}: Choose a player. That player adds one mana of any color he or she chooses to his or her mana pool. * You may choose yourself. * If the player can't use the mana, that player will take mana burn as the phase ends. ----- Stoneshaker Shaman {2}{R} Creature -- Human Shaman 1/1 At the end of each player's turn, that player sacrifices an untapped land. * If the player doesn't have an untapped land as Stoneshaker Shaman's ability resolves, that player does nothing. ----- Sunforger {3} Artifact -- Equipment Equipped creature gets +4/+0. {R}{W}, Unattach Sunforger: Search your library for a red or white instant card with converted mana cost 4 or less and play that card without paying its mana cost. Then shuffle your library. Equip {3} * You can't pay the cost of the second ability unless Sunforger is attached to a creature. * Any card you find must be legally playable (for example, you have to be able to choose a legal target for it). If you can't find a playable card (or choose not to), nothing happens and you shuffle your library. * The card is played from your library, not your hand. You choose modes, pay additional costs, choose targets, etc. for the spell as normal when playing it. Any X in the mana cost will be 0. Alternative costs can't be paid. ----- Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion Land {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {2}{R}{W}, {T}: Target creature gains double strike until end of turn. * If you give double strike to a creature with first strike after first-strike combat damage has been put on the stack, that creature will also deal damage during the normal combat damage step. * If you give double strike to a creature after either first-strike or normal combat damage has been put on the stack, it won't help that creature deal any additional combat damage. ----- Suppression Field {1}{W} Enchantment Activated abilities cost {2} more to play unless they're mana abilities. * Suppression Field's ability doesn't affect static abilities, triggered abilities, or mana abilities. (A "mana ability" is an ability that produces mana, not an ability that costs mana.) ----- Svogthos, the Restless Tomb Land {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {3}{B}{G}: Until end of turn, Svogthos, the Restless Tomb becomes a black and green Plant Zombie creature with "This creature's power and toughness are each equal to the number of creature cards in your graveyard." It's still a land. * While animated, Svogthos's power and toughness changes each time a creature card enters or leaves its controller's graveyard. ----- Szadek, Lord of Secrets {3}{U}{U}{B}{B} Legendary Creature -- Vampire 5/5 Flying If Szadek, Lord of Secrets would deal combat damage to a player, instead put that many +1/+1 counters on Szadek and that player puts that many cards from the top of his or her library into his or her graveyard. * If another effect would prevent Szadek's combat damage from being dealt to the defending player or replace it with something else, that player chooses which effect applies first. For example, the player can choose to first have Mending Hands prevent 4 of the damage and then apply Szadek's ability so that it gets only one counter. * If Szadek leaves play while combat damage is on the stack, its replacement effect doesn't apply and its damage is dealt normally. ----- Telling Time {1}{U} Instant Look at the top three cards of your library. Put one of those cards into your hand, one on top of your library, and one on the bottom of your library. * If there are fewer than three cards in your library, follow the instructions in the order given for any cards that are there. ----- Terraformer {2}{U} Creature -- Human Wizard 2/2 {1}: Choose a basic land type. The land type of each land you control becomes that type until end of turn. * Terraformer's effect overwrites the land type of all lands you control that had other types and gives a land type to all lands you control that don't normally have one. * Changing a land's type doesn't change its name or whether it's legendary or basic. * Lands you control will have the mana ability of the basic land type you choose (for example, Forests can tap to produce green mana) and will lose all other innate abilities they had. ----- Terrarion {1} Artifact Terrarion comes into play tapped. {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Terrarion: Add two mana of any combination of colors to your mana pool. When Terrarion is put into a graveyard from play, draw a card. * You can get either two mana of the same color or one mana each of different colors. * You get the mana before you draw the card. * You draw a card no matter how Terrarion winds up in a graveyard from play. ----- Tolsimir Wolfblood {4}{G}{W} Legendary Creature -- Elf Warrior 3/4 Other green creatures you control get +1/+1. Other white creatures you control get +1/+1. {T}: Put a legendary 2/2 green and white Wolf creature token named Voja into play. * Other creatures you control that are both green and white, including Voja, get +2/+2. * The token is named "Voja" and has creature type "Wolf." This is different from most creature tokens, where the name and creature type are the same. * The "legend rule" means that creating a second Voja while another one is in play causes both to be put into their owner's graveyard (where the tokens cease to exist). ----- Transluminant {1}{G} Creature -- Dryad Shaman 2/2 {W}, Sacrifice Transluminant: Put a 1/1 white Spirit creature token with flying into play at end of turn. * If you use this ability during a turn's end phase, the chance to put "at end of turn"-triggered abilities on the stack has passed. You won't get the Spirit creature token until the beginning of the next end of turn step. ----- Trophy Hunter {2}{G} Creature -- Human Archer 2/3 {1}{G}: Trophy Hunter deals 1 damage to target creature with flying. Whenever a creature with flying dealt damage by Trophy Hunter this turn is put into a graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on Trophy Hunter. * The second ability checks whether a creature being put into a graveyard (a) currently has flying and (b) was dealt damage earlier this turn by Trophy Hunter. It doesn't matter whether Trophy Hunter dealt the damage that caused the creature to be destroyed, whether the damage from Trophy Hunter was dealt in combat or via its activated ability, or who controlled the creature. ----- Tunnel Vision {5}{U} Sorcery Name a card. Target player reveals cards from the top of his or her library until the named card is revealed. If it is, that player puts the rest of the revealed cards into his or her graveyard and puts the named card on top of his or her library. Otherwise, the player shuffles his or her library. * If the named card is found, everything from the top of the library down to the named card is put into the graveyard and the library isn't shuffled. If the named card isn't in the library, no cards are put into the graveyard and the library is shuffled. ----- Twilight Drover {2}{W} Creature -- Spirit 1/1 Whenever a creature token leaves play, put a +1/+1 counter on Twilight Drover. {2}{W}, Remove a +1/+1 counter from Twilight Drover: Put two 1/1 white Spirit creature tokens with flying into play. * The first ability only cares that creature tokens leave play. It doesn't matter where they went. * If a player leaves a multiplayer game, all creature tokens that player owns also leave the game. Twilight Drover's ability will trigger once per token. (The owner of a token is the player who controlled the effect that put it into play.) * If Spirit tokens created by Twilight Drover leave play, they will trigger its first ability. * Note that Twilight Drover doesn't have any way to sacrifice tokens or otherwise cause them to leave play. ----- Vigor Mortis {2}{B}{B} Sorcery Return target creature card from your graveyard to play. If {G} was spent to play Vigor Mortis, that creature comes into play with a +1/+1 counter on it. * The +1/+1 counter from this ability is in addition to any other counters the creature comes into play with. ----- Vulturous Zombie {3}{B}{G} Creature -- Plant Zombie 3/3 Flying Whenever a card is put into an opponent's graveyard from anywhere, put a +1/+1 counter on Vulturous Zombie. * The ability doesn't care why a card goes to your opponent's graveyard -- only that it does. The ability triggers when a card is put into your opponent's graveyard from the stack (a spell resolves or is countered), from play (a permanent is destroyed or sacrificed), from the player's hand (a card is discarded), from the player's library (from a Millstone-like effect), or from any other zone. * This ability triggers only on cards, so it won't trigger when a token is put into your opponent's graveyard. ----- Warp World {5}{R}{R}{R} Sorcery Each player shuffles all permanents he or she owns into his or her library, then reveals that many cards from the top of his or her library. Each player puts all artifact, creature, and land cards revealed this way into play, then puts all enchantment cards revealed this way into play, then puts the rest on the bottom of his or her library in any order. * Each player puts all artifact, land, and creature cards revealed this way into play simultaneously. Then each player puts all enchantment cards revealed this way into play simultaneously, so Auras can enchant any of the permanents already in play. All instants and sorceries, as well as Aura cards that can't legally enchant anything (such as those with "enchant enchantment") are put on the bottom of their owners' libraries. * Tokens are permanents but not cards. Moving a token into a library causes it to cease to exist. However, the token does count toward the number of cards its owner reveals from his or her library. The owner of a token is the player who controlled the effect that put it into play. ----- Woodwraith Corrupter {3}{B}{B}{G} Creature -- Elemental Horror 3/6 {1}{B}{G}, {T}: Target Forest becomes a 4/4 black and green Elemental Horror creature. It's still a land. * The effect has no stated duration, so a land turned into a creature this way continues being a creature as long as the land is in play. 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