_Time Spiral_(TM) Frequently Asked Questions Compiled by Mark L. Gottlieb, with contributions from Laurie Cheers, Jeff Jordan, and Lee Sharpe Document last modified August 30, 2006 _Time Spiral_ Prerelease tournaments: September 23-24, 2006 _Time Spiral_ official release date: October 6, 2006 The _Time Spiral_ set becomes legal for sanctioned Constructed play October 20, 2006. The _Time Spiral_ set contains 301 cards (121 common, 80 uncommon, 80 rare, 20 basic land), plus 121 "timeshifted" reprints. This FAQ has two sections, each of which serves a different purpose. The first section ("General Notes") explains the new mechanics and concepts in the set. The second section ("Card-Specific Notes") contains answers to the most important questions players might ask about a given card in the main card set; the timeshifted cards are listed at the end of this section. ----- GENERAL NOTES ***"Timeshifted" Cards*** The _Time Spiral_ set contains a subset of 121 cards known as "timeshifted" cards. There's one timeshifted card in each _Time Spiral_ booster pack, and there are three in each _Time Spiral_ tournament pack. Some "timeshifted" cards appear in each _Time Spiral_ theme deck as well. Each timeshifted card is a reprint of a _Magic_(TM) card from a set released prior to the _Mirrodin_(R) set. It appears in a pre-_Eighth Edition_ card frame and has a purple expansion symbol. Each of the cards in this subset is equally rare, regardless of their rarities when they were originally printed. For game play purposes, timeshifted cards are considered part of the _Time Spiral_ set. They're allowed in all formats in which the _Time Spiral_ set is legal. ----- ***New Keyword Ability: Flash*** Flash is a new keyword for an existing ability. Ashcoat Bear {1}{G} Creature -- Bear 2/2 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) The official rules for the flash ability are as follows: 502.57. Flash 502.57a Flash is a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it's on. "Flash" means "You may play this card any time you could play an instant." 502.57b Multiple instances of flash on the same object are redundant. * All older cards with this ability will be getting errata to change the ability to flash. ----- ***New Keyword Ability: Split Second*** Split second is a static ability that works on the stack. Krosan Grip {2}{G} Instant Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) Destroy target artifact or enchantment. The official rules for the split second ability are as follows: 502.58. Split Second 502.58a Split second is a static ability that functions only while the spell with split second is on the stack. "Split second" means "As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play other spells or abilities that aren't mana abilities." 502.58b Multiple instances of split second on the same spell are redundant. * Players still get priority while a card with split second is on the stack. * Split second doesn't prevent players from playing mana abilities. * Split second doesn't prevent triggered abilities from triggering. If one does, its controller puts it on the stack and, if applicable, chooses targets for it. Those abilities will resolve as normal. * Split second doesn't prevent players from performing special actions. Most notably, players may turn face-down creatures face up while a spell with split second is on the stack. * Split second won't affect spells and abilities that are already on the stack. * If the resolution of a triggered ability involves playing a spell, that part of the effect won't work if a spell with split second is on the stack. ----- ***New Keyword Ability: Suspend*** Suspend is an ability that essentially lets you spend time instead of mana to play spells. The suspend cost and number of time counters will vary from card to card. Corpulent Corpse {5}{B} Creature -- Zombie 3/3 Fear Suspend 5--{B} (Rather than play this card from your hand, you may pay {B} and remove it from the game with five time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When you remove the last, play it without paying its mana cost. It has haste.) The official rules for the suspend ability are as follows: 502.59. Suspend 502.59a Suspend is a keyword that represents three abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the card with suspend is in a player's hand. The second and third are triggered abilities that function in the removed-from-the-game zone. "Suspend N--[cost]" means "If you could play this card from your hand, you may pay [cost] and remove it from the game with N time counters on it. This is a special action that doesn't use the stack," and "At the beginning of your upkeep, if this card is suspended, remove a time counter from it," and "When the last time counter is removed from this card, if it's removed from the game, play it without paying its mana cost if able. If you can't, it remains removed from the game. If you play it this way and it's a creature, it gains haste until you lose control of it." 502.59b A card is "suspended" if it's in the removed-from-the-game zone, has suspend, and has a time counter on it. 502.59c Playing a spell as an effect of its suspend ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h. * The phrase "if you could play this card from your hand" checks only for timing restrictions and permissions. This includes both what's inherent in the card's type (for example, if the card with suspend is a creature, it must be your main phase and the stack must be empty) and what's imposed by other abilities, such as flash or Meddling Mage's ability. Whether you could actually follow all steps in playing the card is irrelevant. If the card is impossible to play due to a lack of legal targets or an unpayable mana cost, for example, it may still be removed from the game with suspend. * Removing a card from the game with its suspend ability is not playing that card. This action doesn't use the stack and can't be responded to. * If a spell with suspend has targets, the targets are chosen when the spell is played, not when it's removed from the game. * If the first triggered ability of suspend is countered, no time counter is removed. The ability will trigger again during its owner's next upkeep. * When the last time counter is removed from a suspended card, the second triggered ability of suspend will trigger. It doesn't matter why the time counter was removed or whose effect removed it. (The _Time Spiral_ reminder text is misleading on this point.) * If the second triggered ability of suspend is countered, the card can't be played. It remains in the removed-from-the-game zone without any time counters on it for the rest of the game, and it's no longer considered suspended. * If the second triggered ability of suspend resolves, the card's owner must play the spell if possible, even if that player doesn't want to. Normal timing considerations for the spell are ignored (for example, if the suspended card is a creature and this ability resolves during your upkeep, youfre able to play the card), but other play restrictions are not ignored. * If the second triggered ability of suspend resolves and the suspended card can't be played due to a lack of legal targets or a play restriction, for example, it remains in the removed-from-the-game zone without any time counters on it for the rest of the game, and it's no longer considered suspended. * As the second triggered ability of suspend resolves, if playing the suspended card involves an additional cost, the card's owner must pay that cost if able. If he or she can't, the card remains removed from the game. If the additional cost includes mana, the situation is more complex. If the player has enough mana in his or her mana pool to pay the cost, that player must do so. If the player can't possibly pay the cost, the card remains removed from the game. However, if the player has the means to produce enough mana to pay the cost, then he or she has a choice: The player may play the spell, produce mana, and pay the cost. Or the player may choose to play no mana abilities, thus making the card impossible to play because the additional mana can't be paid. * A creature played via suspend comes into play with haste. It still has haste after the first turn it's in play as long as the same player controls it. As soon as another player takes control of it, it loses haste. ----- ***Rules Change: Cards with No Mana Cost (REVERSAL)*** The rules about objects with no mana costs are changing. Previously, the rules stated that an object with no mana cost can't be played as a spell. These rules (213.1a and 401.1b, which are identical) will instead state that a nonexistent mana cost can't be paid. This change affects some _Time Spiral_ cards with suspend, as well as the _Saviors of Kamigawa_(TM) card Evermind. * A card with no mana cost can't be normally played as a spell, because it's impossible to pay a nonexistent cost in step 401.9h. (Note that this is different than a spell that costs {0}, which is a cost that can be paid.) If there are any additional costs associated with playing a spell, a card with no mana cost still can't be played this way: {} + {1} is an impossible operation to calculate. * If therefs a way to play such a card without paying its mana cost, then it can be played as a spell. This is possible if an effect allows it to be played "without paying its mana cost" (such as suspend or Spelljack do, for example), or if an effect allows it to be played for an alternative cost (such as Fist of Suns does, for example). * A card with no mana cost has converted mana cost 0. ----- ***New Game Rule: +1/+1 and -1/-1 Counters*** A new state-based effect is being introduced in conjunction with the _Time Spiral_ release: 420.5n If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it. * This rule doesn't apply to any other type of counters. If a permanent has a +1/+0 counter, a +0/+1 counter, and a -1/-1 counter on it, they will all remain on that permanent. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Buyback*** Buyback is an ability originally seen in the _Tempest_(TM) block. It lets you pay an additional cost to put the spell with buyback back into your hand as it resolves. Reiterate {1}{R}{R} Instant Buyback {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you play this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.) Copy target instant or sorcery spell. You may choose new targets for the copy. The buyback rules are changing slightly to clarify some interactions. The revised rules for the buyback ability are as follows: 502.16. Buyback 502.16a Buyback appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities that function while the spell is on the stack. "Buyback [cost]" means "You may pay an additional [cost] as you play this spell" and "If the buyback cost was paid, put this spell into your hand instead of into your graveyard as it resolves." Paying a spell's buyback cost follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h. * Buyback is an additional cost. You choose whether to pay the buyback at the time you play the spell. If you choose to pay the buyback cost, then after the spell's effect happens, the spell will be returned to your hand instead of being put into your graveyard. * Buyback returns the spell to your hand only if the spell resolves. If the spell is countered, it goes to the graveyard as normal. * If you control a spell you donft own whose buyback cost was paid, that spell is put into its ownerfs graveyard as normal as it resolves. The card wouldn't be put into your graveyard, so buyback's replacement effect has nothing to replace. * If you control a copy of a spell whose buyback cost was paid, the copy will be put into your hand as it resolves, then it will cease to exist. * Whether the spell is returned to your hand depends on whether the choice to pay buyback was made, not on the actual payment of buyback (in the unusual cases where cost-reduction effects mean the buyback cost isn't actually paid). * Buyback costs don't count toward a spell's mana cost or converted mana cost, whether they're paid or not. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Echo*** Echo is a keyword ability originally seen in the Urza block. Basalt Gargoyle {2}{R} Creature -- Gargoyle 3/2 Flying Echo {2}{R} (At the beginning of your upkeep, if this came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, sacrifice it unless you pay its echo cost.) {R}: Basalt Gargoyle gets +0/+1 until end of turn. The echo rules are changing, but that doesn't functionally change any existing cards with echo. The revised rules for the echo ability are as follows: 502.19. Echo 502.19a Echo is a triggered ability. "Echo [cost]" means "At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep, sacrifice it unless you pay [cost]." * The old rules said to sacrifice the permanent unless its mana cost is paid. The new rules say to sacrifice the permanent unless its echo cost is paid. For all older cards, those two costs will be the same. * Paying for echo is always optional. When the echo triggered ability resolves, if the controller of the permanent can't pay its echo cost, or chooses not to, that player sacrifices that permanent. * A permanent's echo ability will trigger during its controller's upkeep if it came into play since the beginning of its controller's last upkeep (including if it left play and came back during that time, or if it phased in during that time), or if its current controller took control of it since the beginning of his or her last upkeep. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Flanking*** Flanking is an ability originally seen in the _Mirage_(TM) block. Benalish Cavalry {1}{W} Creature -- Human Knight 2/2 Flanking (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.) The official rules for the flanking ability are as follows: 502.3. Flanking 502.3a Flanking is a triggered ability that triggers during the declare blockers step. (See rule 309, "Declare Blockers Step.") "Flanking" means "Whenever this creature becomes blocked by a creature without flanking, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn." 502.3b If a creature has multiple instances of flanking, each triggers separately. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Flashback*** Flashback is an ability originally seen in the _Odyssey_(TM) block. Ancient Grudge {1}{R} Instant Destroy target artifact. Flashback {G} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.) The official rules for the flashback ability are as follows: 502.22. Flashback 502.22a Flashback appears on some instants and sorceries. It represents two static abilities: one functions while the card is in a player's graveyard and the other functions while the card is on the stack. "Flashback [cost]" means "You may play this card from your graveyard by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost" and "If the flashback cost was paid, remove this card from the game instead of putting it anywhere else any time it would leave the stack." Playing a spell using its flashback ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h. * When you play a spell from your graveyard by paying its flashback cost, its mana cost doesn't change. You just pay the flashback cost instead. * Effects that cause you to pay more or less for a spell will cause you to pay that much more or less for its flashback cost, too. That's because they affect the total cost of the spell, not its mana cost. * When a spell played with flashback resolves, it never goes to its owner's graveyard, so abilities that trigger on cards being put in a graveyard won't trigger. The card is removed from the game instead. * If a spell with flashback is countered, it's still removed from the game rather than being put into its owner's graveyard. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Kicker*** Kicker is an ability originally seen in the _Invasion_(TM) block. Desolation Giant {2}{R}{R} Creature -- Giant 3/3 Kicker {W}{W} (You may pay an additional {W}{W} as you play this spell.) When Desolation Giant comes into play, destroy all other creatures you control. If the kicker cost was paid, destroy all other creatures instead. The official rules for the kicker ability are as follows: 502.21. Kicker 502.21a Kicker is a static ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. "Kicker [cost]" means "You may pay an additional [cost] as you play this spell." The phrase "Kicker [cost 1] and/or [cost 2]" means the same thing as "Kicker [cost 1], kicker [cost 2]." Paying a spell's kicker cost(s) follows the rules for paying additional costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h. 502.21b Objects with kicker have additional abilities that specify what happens if the kicker cost is paid. Objects with more than one kicker cost have abilities that correspond to each kicker cost. 502.21c If the text that depends on a kicker cost being paid targets one or more permanents and/or players, the spell's controller chooses those targets only if he or she declared the intention to pay the appropriate kicker cost. Otherwise, the targets aren't chosen at all. 502.21d A card with kicker may contain the phrases "if the [A] kicker cost was paid" and "if the [B] kicker cost was paid," where A and B are the first and second kicker costs listed on the card, respectively. This text just refers to one kicker cost or the other, regardless of what the spell's controller actually spent when paying the cost. In other words, read "if the [A] kicker cost was paid" as "if the first kicker cost listed was paid," and read "if the [B] kicker cost was paid" as "if the second kicker cost listed was paid." * You pay the kicker cost when you play the spell. You declare whether you're going to pay it at the same time you'd choose a spell's mode, and then you actually pay it at the same time you pay the spell's mana cost. Paying kicker is always optional. * You can pay a kicker cost only once. You can't pay it multiple times to "pump up" the effect. * If the effect you get when you pay a kicker cost has targets, you don't choose the targets for that effect unless you've declared that you're going to pay kicker. * Some triggered abilities contain the phrases "if you paid the [A] kicker cost" and "if you paid the [B] kicker cost," where A and B are the first and second kicker costs listed on the card, respectively. This text just refers to one kicker cost or the other, regardless of what you actually spent when paying the cost. * Kicker costs don't count toward a spell's mana cost or converted mana cost, whether they're paid or not. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Madness*** Madness is an ability originally seen in the _Torment_(R) set. Dark Withering {4}{B}{B} Instant Destroy target nonblack creature. Madness {B} (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.) The timing of madness ability has been simplified, and the resulting rules change will modify some interactions. The revised rules for the madness ability are as follows: 502.24. Madness 502.24a Madness is a keyword that represents two abilities. The first is a static ability that functions while the card with madness is in a player's hand. The second is a triggered ability that functions when the first ability is applied. "Madness [cost]" means "If a player would discard this card, that player discards it, but may remove it from the game instead of putting it into his or her graveyard" and "When this card is removed from the game this way, its owner may play it by paying [cost] rather than paying its mana cost. If that player doesn't, he or she puts this card into his or her graveyard." 502.24b Playing a spell using its madness ability follows the rules for paying alternative costs in rules 409.1b and 409.1f-h. * Under the old rule, after the madness triggered ability resolved, the owner of the madness card had a short window of time (until he or she passed priority) to play the madness card. During that window, the player could perform special actions (such as playing a land) before playing the madness card. Furthermore, if the player who discarded the card wasn't the active player, that player wouldn't receive priority after the madness trigger resolved, and would have to wait to play the madness card until the active player passed. Under the new rule, playing the madness card is part of the effect of the madness triggered ability. The player either plays the madness card as the madness triggered ability resolves, or the player puts the card into his or her graveyard at that time. * When you discard a card with madness, you may discard it normally or you may remove it from the game. When you remove it from the game, you may play it, or you may put it into your graveyard. Playing a card with madness is just like playing an instant from your hand, except you pay the spell's madness cost instead of its mana cost. It goes on the stack like any other spell and it can be countered like any other spell. * When you play a spell by paying its madness cost, its mana cost doesn't change. You just pay the madness cost instead. * Effects that cause you to pay more or less for a spell will cause you to pay that much more or less for its madness cost, too. That's because they affect the total cost of the spell, not its mana cost. * Madness works no matter why you're discarding the card. You could discard to pay a cost, because a spell or ability tells you to, or even because you have too many cards in your hand at the end of your turn. You can't discard a card with madness just because you want to, though. * When you play a card with madness, it still counts as being discarded, but it doesn't actually get to your graveyard before you play it. That means your opponent can't remove it "in response" to stop you from playing the spell. Abilities that trigger on a card being discarded, however, will still trigger. * If you choose not to play a card with madness when the madness triggered ability resolves, it goes to your graveyard. You don't get another chance to play it. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Morph*** Morph is an ability originally seen in the _Onslaught_(TM) block. Fledgling Mawcor {3}{U} Creature -- Beast 2/2 Flying {T}: Fledgling Mawcor deals 1 damage to target creature or player. Morph {U}{U} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) The morph rules are changing slightly: The old rule said the face-down spell and the face-down creature have mana cost {0}. The new rule says that the face-down spell and the face-down creature have no mana cost. (The face-down spell and the face-down creature still have converted mana cost 0.) This modifies some interactions. A change to the rules governing spells with no mana cost makes this possible. (See the "Cards with No Mana Cost" section above for more information.) The revised rules for the morph ability are as follows: 502.26. Morph 502.26a Morph is a static ability that functions in any zone from which you could play the card it's on, and the morph effect works any time the card is face down. "Morph [cost]" means "You may play this card as a 2/2 face-down creature, with no text, no name, no subtypes, no expansion symbol, and no mana cost, by paying {3} rather than its mana cost." Any time you could play an instant, you may show all players the morph cost for any face-down permanent you control, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. This action doesn't use the stack. (See rule 504, "Face-Down Spells and Permanents.") 502.26b To play a card using its morph ability, turn it face down. It becomes a 2/2 face-down creature card with no text, no name, no subtypes, no expansion symbol, and no mana cost. These values are the copiable values of that object's characteristics. (See rule 418.5, "Interaction of Continuous Effects," and rule 503, "Copying Objects.") Put it onto the stack (as a face-down spell with the same characteristics), and pay {3} rather than pay its mana cost. This follows the rules for paying alternative costs. You can use morph to play a card from any zone from which you could normally play it. When the spell resolves, it comes into play with the same characteristics the spell had. The morph effect applies to the face-down object wherever it is, and it ends when the permanent is turned face up. 502.26c You can't play a card face down if it doesn't have morph. 502.26d Any time you could play an instant, you may turn a face-down permanent you control face up. To do this, show all players what the permanent's morph cost will be when the effect ends, pay that cost, then turn the permanent face up. The morph effect on it ends, and it regains its normal characteristics. Any abilities relating to the permanent coming into play don't trigger when it's turned face up and don't have any effect, because the permanent has already come into play. 502.26e If a face-up permanent is turned face down by a spell or ability, it becomes a 2/2 face-down creature, with no text, no name, no subtypes, no expansion symbol, and no mana cost. These values are the copiable values of that object's characteristics. (See rule 418.5, "Interaction of Continuous Effects," and rule 503, "Copying Objects.") The rules for morph and face-down permanents apply to it normally. 502.26f See rule 504, "Face-Down Spells and Permanents," for more information on how to play cards with morph. * Morph lets you play a card face down for {3}, and lets you perform the action of turning it face up for its morph cost. * To play a card face down, you put it onto the stack face down (so your opponent doesn't know what it is), and pay {3}. Note that this is not the mana cost of the spell (it has no mana cost); it's an alternative cost. When the spell resolves, it comes into play as a face-down permanent. * As long as a card is face down, it's a 2/2 colorless nameless creature with no expansion symbol, mana cost, abilities, or subtypes (unless an effect grants it an ability or other characteristic). * Any time you could play an instant, you may turn a face-down permanent face up by paying its morph cost. This isn't an activated ability; it's a special action that doesn't use the stack and can't be countered or responded to. You can't do this to face-down cards on the stack. * Turning a permanent face up doesn't trigger comes-into-play abilities. * A permanent that turns face up or face down changes its characteristics, but otherwise is still the same permanent. Spells, counters, Auras, Equipment, and damage that were targeting or affecting it will still do so. Turning a permanent face up or face down doesn't change whether it's tapped or untapped, or flipped or unflipped. * At any time, you may look at a face-down spell you control on the stack, a face-down permanent you control, or a face-down card in the phased-out zone you controlled when it phased out. * If a face-down spell is countered, it turns face up. If a face-down creature leaves play, it turns face up. * It's illegal to play a card face down if it doesn't have morph. Since your opponent can't tell whether it has morph or not, players must reveal their face-down spells, permanents, and phased-out cards at the end of the game so their opponents can verify that the cards have morph. * If you turn a face-down creature face up while its combat damage is on the stack and that creature has an ability which triggers "Whenever this creature deals combat damage," that ability will trigger when the combat damage resolves. * If you gain control of a face-down creature, you can look at what it is, and you can pay its morph cost to turn it face up. Your opponent can't, although he or she will know what the creature is. * Face-down creatures don't have any abilities, so they don't have the morph ability. Face-up creatures with morph do have the ability. * If a spell or ability tells you to turn a face-down creature face up, you don't pay that creature's morph cost to do so. * Turning a face-down creature with an evasion ability face up after it's been blocked doesn't affect the blockers, because restrictions on blocking are only checked at the time blockers are declared. * If you control multiple face-down spells on the stack, face-down permanents in play, or face-down phased-out cards, you must ensure at all times that your face-down spells, permanents, and phased-out cards can be easily differentiated from each other. This includes, but is not limited to, knowing the order spells were played, the order that face-down permanents came into play, and which creature attacked last turn. Common methods for distinguishing between face-down objects include using counters or dice to mark the different objects, or clearly placing those objects in order on the table. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Rampage*** Rampage is an ability originally seen in the _Legends_(R) set. Craw Giant {3}{G}{G}{G}{G} Creature -- Giant 6/4 Trample Rampage 2 (Whenever this creature becomes blocked, it gets +2/+2 until end of turn for each creature blocking it beyond the first.) The official rules for the rampage ability are as follows: 502.12. Rampage 502.12a Rampage is a triggered ability. "Rampage N" means "Whenever this creature becomes blocked, it gets +N/+N until end of turn for each creature blocking it beyond the first." (See rule 309, "Declare Blockers Step.") 502.12b The rampage bonus is calculated only once per combat, when the triggered ability resolves. Adding or removing blockers later in combat won't change the bonus. 502.12c If a creature has multiple instances of rampage, each triggers separately. ----- Shadow Shadow is an evasion ability originally seen in the _Tempest_ block. Looter il-Kor {1}{U} Creature -- Kor Rogue 1/1 Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.) Whenever Looter il-Kor deals damage to an opponent, draw a card, then discard a card. The official rules for the shadow ability are as follows: 502.8. Shadow 502.8a Shadow is an evasion ability. 502.8b A creature with shadow can't be blocked by creatures without shadow, and a creature without shadow can't be blocked by creatures with shadow. (See rule 309, "Declare Blockers Step.") 502.8c Multiple instances of shadow on the same creature are redundant. ----- Storm Storm is an ability originally seen in the _Scourge_(TM) set. Empty the Warrens {3}{R} Sorcery Put two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens into play. Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn.) The official rules for the storm ability are as follows: 502.30. Storm 502.30a Storm is a triggered ability that functions while the spell is on the stack. "Storm" means "When you play this spell, put a copy of it onto the stack for each other spell that was played before it this turn. If the spell has any targets, you may choose new targets for any number of the copies." 502.30b If a spell has multiple instances of storm, each triggers separately. * The storm copies are put directly onto the stack -- they aren't played. That means the copies don't generate storm copies themselves, and they aren't counted by other storm spells played later during the turn. * Each storm spell with a target allows you to change the target for each copy of that spell. You make that choice for each copy individually. * When counting spells played in a turn, you do count spells that were played face down, spells played from zones other than a hand, and spells that were countered. * A copy of a spell can be countered, just like any other spell, but each copy has to be countered individually. Countering a storm spell won't counter the copies of it. * Removing a card from the game using suspend doesn't count as playing a spell; you only play a suspended spell when you remove the last time counter from it and that ability resolves. * When a spell like Twincast copies a spell that has storm, the copied spell's storm ability doesn't trigger. You get just one new spell. ----- ***Returning Keyword Ability: Swampcycling*** Swampcycling is a type of landcycling, an ability originally seen in the _Scourge_ set. Twisted Abomination {5}{B} Creature -- Zombie Mutant 5/3 {B}: Regenerate Twisted Abomination. Swampcycling {2} ({2}, Discard this card: Search your library for a Swamp card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.) The official rules for the landcycling ability are as follows: 502.18c Landcycling is a variant of the cycling ability. "[Land type]cycling [cost]" means "[Cost], Discard this card: Search your library for a [land type] card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library." Any cards that trigger when a player cycles a card will trigger when a card's landcycling ability is played. Any effect that stops players from cycling cards will stop players from playing cards' landcycling abilities. * Unlike the normal cycling ability, landcycling doesn't allow the player to draw a card, but instead lets the player search his or her library for a land card of the appropriate type. ----- ***Returning Ability: Threshold*** Threshold is an ability originally seen in the _Odyssey_ block. The rules for threshold are being eliminated. Threshold is becoming an ability word (like hellbent), rather than a keyword. Every card with threshold is getting errata. Mystic Enforcer {2}{G}{W} Creature -- Human Nomad Mystic 3/3 Protection from black Threshold -- Mystic Enforcer gets +3/+3 and has flying as long as seven or more cards are in your graveyard. ----- ***Returning Theme: Slivers*** The _Time Spiral_ set features a number of creatures with creature type Sliver. Fury Sliver {5}{R} Creature -- Sliver 3/3 All Slivers have double strike. Most Slivers grant an ability or a characteristic change to all Slivers. Slivers were also featured in the _Tempest_, _Stronghold_(TM), _Legions_(TM), and _Scourge_ sets. * Each Sliver grants itself the ability that it grants to all Slivers. * Slivers can grant activated, static, or triggered abilities to Slivers in play. Not all Slivers grant abilities. Some have abilities that trigger when Slivers do things, such as deal combat damage. * Some abilities that Slivers grant, such as power/toughness boosts or triggered abilities, are cumulative. * You can change creatures of other types into Slivers so they can get the benefits of being a Sliver. * Changing the creature type of a Sliver so that it's no longer a Sliver means that it no longer affects itself with its ability. It will still affect all other Slivers. ----- ***Cycle: "Insta-Sorceries"*** The _Time Spiral_ set contains a cycle of instants that have better effects if you play them during your main phase. Careful Consideration {2}{U}{U} Instant Target player draws four cards, then discards three cards. If you played this spell during your main phase, instead that player draws four cards, then discards two cards. * You'll get the modified effect if you play the spell during either of your main phases (precombat or postcombat). It doesn't matter if the stack is empty or not when you play the spell. * If you didn't play the spell (for example, it's a copy created by Reiterate), the modified effect won't happen regardless of what phase it is. ----- ***Cycle: Recurring Auras*** The _Time Spiral_ set contains several Auras that have the ability to return to their owner's hand whenever they're put into a graveyard from play. Aspect of Mongoose {1}{G} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature can't be the target of spells or abilities. When Aspect of Mongoose is put into a graveyard from play, return Aspect of Mongoose to its owner's hand. * This ability triggers no matter how the Aura is put into a graveyard from play. It will work if the Aura is destroyed (such as by Naturalize) or if the Aura is put into the graveyard as a state-based effect (such as if the enchanted creature leaves play or can no longer be enchanted by the Aura). * The ability doesn't work if the card is put into a graveyard from anywhere other than the in-play zone. ----- ***Cycle: Storage Lands*** The _Time Spiral_ set contains a cycle of a new type of storage lands. Calciform Pools Land {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {1}, {T}: Put a storage counter on Calciform Pools. {1}, Remove X storage counters from Calciform Pools: Add X mana in any combination of {W} and/or {U} to your mana pool. * The last ability doesn't cause or require the land to become tapped. It can be used while the land is already tapped. Using this ability won't trigger the abilities of cards such as Fertile Ground, which trigger when a land is tapped for mana. ----- CARD-SPECIFIC NOTES AEther Web {1}{G} Enchantment -- Aura Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +1/+1, can block as though it had flying, and can block creatures with shadow as though they didn't have shadow. * The enchanted creature can block creatures with shadow and creatures without shadow. * If the enchanted creature has shadow, it won't be able to block any creatures (not even those with shadow). ----- AEtherflame Wall {1}{R} Creature -- Wall 0/4 Defender AEtherflame Wall can block creatures with shadow as though they didn't have shadow. {R}: AEtherflame Wall gets +1/+0 until end of turn. * AEtherflame Wall can block creatures with shadow and creatures without shadow. * If AEtherflame Wall gains shadow, it won't be able to block any creatures (not even those with shadow). ----- Angel's Grace {W} Instant Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) You can't lose the game this turn and your opponents can't win the game this turn. Until end of turn, damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead. * The last sentence applies only if your life total is being reduced by damage. Other effects or costs (such as "lose 1 life" or "pay 1 life") can reduce your life total below 1 as normal. * If an effect asks you to pay life, you can't pay more life than you have. * If your life total goes below 1, being dealt damage will not increase it back up to 1. The damage will simply have no effect. * If your life total goes below 1 or you get a tenth poison counter, you will lose the game when this effect wears off. * The last sentence is not a prevention effect, but it does stop unpreventable damage from reducing your life total below 1. * The last sentence doesn't change how much damage is dealt; it just changes how much life that damage makes you lose. An effect such as Spirit Link will see the full amount of damage being dealt. ----- Assembly-Worker {3} Artifact Creature -- Assembly-Worker 2/2 {T}: Target Assembly-Worker gets +1/+1 until end of turn. * The ability looks for creatures with the Assembly-Worker subtype, not permanents named Assembly-Worker. ----- Barbed Shocker {3}{R} Creature -- Insect 2/2 Trample, haste Whenever Barbed Shocker deals damage to a player, that player discards all the cards in his or her hand, then draws that many cards. * The number of cards the player draws is equal to the number of cards he or she discarded, not the amount of damage dealt by Barbed Shocker. ----- Bogardan Hellkite {6}{R}{R} Creature -- Dragon 5/5 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Flying When Bogardan Hellkite comes into play, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. * The number of targets must be at least 1 and at most 5. ----- Brine Elemental {4}{U}{U} Creature -- Elemental 5/4 Morph {5}{U}{U} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) When Brine Elemental is turned face up, each opponent skips his or her next untap step. * Skipping the "next" step is cumulative. If a player turns two Brine Elementals face up on the same turn, that player's opponents will each skip their next two untap steps. ----- Candles of Leng {2} Artifact {4}, {T}: Reveal the top card of your library. If it has the same name as a card in your graveyard, put it into your graveyard. Otherwise, draw a card. * Unless something weird happens, the card that's drawn will be the card that was revealed. ----- Cavalry Master {2}{W}{W} Creature -- Human Knight 3/3 Flanking (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.) Other creatures you control with flanking have flanking. (Each instance of flanking triggers separately.) * Cavalry Master adds only one instance of flanking per creature, even if that creature already has multiple instances of flanking. * If a creature without flanking is given flanking by another effect, then this ability will grant a second instance. Similarly, if a creature loses flanking, then it won't get the Calvary Master instance either. ----- Children of Korlis {W} Creature -- Human Rebel Cleric 1/1 Sacrifice Children of Korlis: You gain life equal to the life you've lost this turn. (Damage causes loss of life.) * If your life total drops to 0 or less, it's too late to use this ability before losing the game. * The life you gain is based on the total of all changes where your life total went down during the turn, not the net downward change. So if you lose 5 life, gain 3 life, and then lose 2 more life before activating this ability, the ability causes you gain 7 life, not 4. ----- Chronosavant {5}{W} Creature -- Giant 5/5 {1}{W}: Return Chronosavant from your graveyard to play tapped. Skip your next turn. * If Chronosavant is in your graveyard, you can play this ability multiple times in response to itself. The first one that resolves will return Chronosavant to play and make you skip your next turn. The others will just make you skip turns. ----- Clockspinning {U} Instant Buyback {3} (You may pay an additional {3} as you play this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.) Choose a counter on target permanent or suspended card. Remove that counter from that permanent or card or put another of those counters on it. * Clockspinning can affect any kind of counter, not just a time counter. The type of counter isn't chosen until resolution. Whether to add or remove a counter isn't chosen until resolution. * If the target is a permanent and it has no counter on it when Clockspinning resolves, nothing happens. ----- Conflagrate {X}{X}{R} Sorcery Conflagrate deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Flashback--{R}{R}, Discard X cards. (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.) * If X is greater than 0, the number of targets must be at least 1 and at most X. If X is 0, the number of targets must also be 0. * While Conflagrate is on the stack, its mana cost will reflect the value chosen for X, even if it was played with flashback and no mana was spent on X. ----- Crookclaw Transmuter {3}{U} Creature -- Bird Wizard 3/1 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Flying When Crookclaw Transmuter comes into play, switch target creature's power and toughness until end of turn. * Effects that switch power and toughness are always applied last when determining a creature's power and toughness, even if other power/toughness-changing effects are played later in the turn. ----- Cyclopean Giant {2}{B}{B} Creature -- Zombie Giant 4/2 When Cyclopean Giant is put into a graveyard from play, target land becomes a Swamp. Remove Cyclopean Giant from the game. * If the triggered ability is countered (the targeted land becomes an illegal target, for example), Cyclopean Giant remains in the graveyard. * If a Vesuvan Shapeshifter that's copying Cyclopean Giant is put into a graveyard, the Shapeshifter will be removed from the game when the ability resolves even though it's not a Cyclopean Giant anymore. ----- Detainment Spell {W} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature's activated abilities can't be played. {1}{W}: Attach Detainment Spell to target creature. * Detainment Spell prevents mana abilities of the enchanted creature from being played. * Morph isn't an activated ability, so Detainment Spell doesn't prevent face-down creatures from being able to turn face up. * Responding to a creature's activated ability being played by moving Detainment Spell onto that creature won't affect the ability that was just played. ----- Draining Whelk {4}{U}{U} Creature -- Illusion 1/1 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Flying When Draining Whelk comes into play, counter target spell. Put X +1/+1 counters on Draining Whelk, where X is that spell's converted mana cost. * If the triggered ability is countered (the targeted spell becomes an illegal target, for example), Draining Whelk doesn't get any +1/+1 counters. ----- Dralnu, Lich Lord {3}{U}{B} Legendary Creature -- Zombie Lord 3/3 If damage would be dealt to Dralnu, sacrifice that many permanents instead. {T}: Target instant or sorcery card in your graveyard has flashback until end of turn. Its flashback cost becomes equal to its mana cost as you play it. (You may play that card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.) * All of the permanents are sacrificed at the same time, when the damage would have been dealt. So if Dralnu is one of the permanents you sacrifice due to its first ability, you must still sacrifice enough other permanents to equal the amount of damage that would have been dealt to it. * If you don't control enough permanents, sacrifice all permanents you control. ----- Durkwood Tracker {4}{G} Creature -- Giant 4/3 {1}{G}, {T}: If Durkwood Tracker is in play, it deals damage equal to its power to target attacking creature. That creature deals damage equal to its power to Durkwood Tracker. * If Durkwood Tracker has left play before the ability resolves, the ability doesn't do anything. If the targeted creature has left play before the ability resolves, the ability is countered. ----- Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder {4}{B} Legendary Creature -- Human Wizard 2/2 Whenever you play a creature spell, put X 1/1 black Thrull creature tokens into play, where X is that spell's converted mana cost. When you control seven or more Thrulls, sacrifice Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder. * The second ability is a state trigger. Once it triggers, it won't trigger again as long as the ability is on the stack. If the ability is countered and the trigger condition is still true, it will immediately trigger again. * When the second ability resolves, Endrek Sahr will be sacrificed regardless of how many Thrulls you control at that time. * Face-down spells are creature spells, but they have converted mana cost 0. ----- Evangelize {4}{W} Sorcery Buyback {2}{W}{W} (You may pay an additional {2}{W}{W} as you play this spell. If you do, put this card into your hand as it resolves.) Gain control of target creature of an opponent's choice that he or she controls. * When you put the spell on the stack, you choose an opponent, then that opponent chooses the target. This is not a choice made on resolution. * The target of the spell is a creature the chosen opponent controls. As Evangelize resolves, if the target isn't a creature controlled by the chosen opponent, Evangelize will be countered. If Evangelize's target is changed (via Shunt, for example), the new target must be a creature controlled by the chosen opponent. ----- Faceless Devourer {2}{B} Creature -- Nightmare Horror 2/1 Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.) When Faceless Devourer comes into play, remove another target creature with shadow from the game. When Faceless Devourer leaves play, return the removed card to play under its owner's control. * Three Faceless Devourers played in succession with no other creatures with shadow in play will result in an infinite loop and the game will be a draw, unless a player somehow interrupts the loop. ----- Fallen Ideal {2}{B} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature has flying and "Sacrifice a creature: This creature gets +2/+1 until end of turn." When Fallen Ideal is put into a graveyard from play, return Fallen Ideal to its owner's hand. * The creature's controller (not Fallen Ideal's controller) can activate the "sacrifice a creature" ability. ----- Flickering Spirit {3}{W} Creature -- Spirit 2/2 Flying {3}{W}: Remove Flickering Spirit from the game, then return it to play under its owner's control. * When the ability resolves, Flickering Spirit is removed from the game, then immediately returned to play. It returns as a "new" creature. Any counters, Auras, and so on are removed. Any spells or abilities targeting Flickering Spirit no longer target it. * If Flickering Spirit's ability is activated, any "as comes into play" choices for it are made by its owner, not its previous controller. ----- Fool's Demise {4}{U} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature When enchanted creature is put into a graveyard, return that creature to play under your control. When Fool's Demise is put into a graveyard from play, return Fool's Demise to its owner's hand. * If Fool's Demise and the enchanted creature go to the graveyard from play at the same time, both abilities will trigger. ----- Foriysian Interceptor {3}{W} Creature -- Human Soldier 0/5 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Defender Foriysian Interceptor can block an additional creature. * The third ability normally lets Foriysian Interceptor block two creatures. If another effect also lets it block an additional creature, the effects are cumulative. * If an effect says Foriysian Interceptor can't block, then it can't block any creatures. ----- Foriysian Totem {3} Artifact {T}: Add {R} to your mana pool. {4}{R}: Foriysian Totem becomes a 4/4 red Giant artifact creature with trample until end of turn. As long as Foriysian Totem is a creature, it can block an additional creature. * The third ability normally lets Foriysian Totem block two creatures. If another effect also lets it block an additional creature, the effects are cumulative. * If an effect says Foriysian Totem can't block, then it can't block any creatures. ----- Fortune Thief {4}{R} Creature -- Human Rogue 0/1 Damage that would reduce your life total to less than 1 reduces it to 1 instead. Morph {R}{R} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) * The first ability applies only if your life total is being reduced by damage. Other effects or costs (such as "lose 1 life" or "pay 1 life") can reduce your life total below 1 as normal. * If an effect asks you to pay life, you can't pay more life than you have. * The last sentence is not a prevention effect. It stops unpreventable damage from reducing your life total below 1. * The ability doesn't change how much damage is dealt; it just changes how much life that damage makes you lose. An effect such as Spirit Link will see the full amount of damage being dealt. * Fortune Thief won't prevent you from losing the game if your life total is 0 or less or some other effect causes you to lose the game. ----- Gaze of Justice {W} Sorcery As an additional cost to play Gaze of Justice, tap three untapped white creatures you control. Remove target creature from the game. Flashback {5}{W} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost and any additional costs. Then remove it from the game.) * The additional cost must be paid if Gaze of Justice is played with flashback. ----- Gemstone Caverns Legendary Land If Gemstone Caverns is in your opening hand and you're not playing first, you may begin the game with Gemstone Caverns in play with a luck counter on it. If you do, remove a card in your hand from the game. {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. If Gemstone Caverns has a luck counter on it, instead add one mana of any color to your mana pool. * After all players have decided not to take any more mulligans, players choose whether to put _Guildpact_(TM) Leylines and/or Gemstone Caverns into play, starting with the player who will be going first and proceeding in turn order. Each player may choose any number of Leylines and/or Gemstone Caverns. The cards are revealed and put into play at the same time. * If multiple Gemstone Caverns are put into play before the game begins, the "legend rule" won't put them all into the graveyard until just before the first player gets priority during his or her first upkeep step. There's no opportunity to tap them for mana. ----- Ghitu Firebreathing {1}{R} Enchantment -- Aura Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Enchant creature {R}: Enchanted creature gets +1/+0 until end of turn. {R}: Return Ghitu Firebreathing to its owner's hand. * If you return Ghitu Firebreathing to its owner's hand while the +1/+0 ability is on the stack, that ability will still give the creature that was last enchanted by Ghitu Firebreathing +1/+0. ----- Glass Asp {1}{G}{G} Creature -- Snake 2/1 Whenever Glass Asp deals combat damage to a player, that player loses 2 life at the beginning of his or her next draw step unless he or she pays {2} before that step. * After Glass Asp's triggered ability resolves, the affected player has the ability to perform a special action of paying {2}. This action may be performed any time the player has priority, and it doesn't use the stack. It may be performed only once. Once that player's next draw step begins, the player no longer has the ability to perform this action. If the player performed the action, the delayed "lose 2 life" triggered ability won't trigger. Otherwise, it will. ----- Griffin Guide {2}{W} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 and has flying. When enchanted creature is put into a graveyard, put a 2/2 white Griffin creature token with flying into play. * If Griffin Guide and the enchanted creature go to the graveyard at the same time, Griffin Guide's ability will trigger. ----- Harmonic Sliver {1}{G}{W} Creature -- Sliver 1/1 All Slivers have "When this creature comes into play, destroy target artifact or enchantment." * The controller of the Sliver that comes into play, not the controller of Harmonic Sliver, chooses the target. * This ability will trigger when Harmonic Sliver comes into play. ----- Hivestone {2} Artifact Creatures you control are Slivers in addition to their other creature types. * If a creature is already a Sliver, Hivestone has no effect on it. ----- Hypergenesis {} Sorcery Hypergenesis is green. Suspend 3--{1}{G}{G} Starting with you, each player may put an artifact, creature, enchantment, or land card from his or her hand into play. Repeat this process until no one puts a card into play. * In a game of N players, the process ends when all N players in sequence (starting with you) choose not to put a card into play. It doesn't end the first time a player chooses not to put a card into play. If a player chooses not to put a card into play but the process continues, that player may put a card into play the next time the process gets around to him or her. ----- Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician {3}{R} Legendary Creature -- Goblin Advisor 3/2 Whenever another Goblin you control becomes blocked, sacrifice it. If you do, it deals 4 damage to each creature blocking it. Sacrifice two Mountains: Put two 1/1 red Goblin creature tokens into play. * If you don't actually sacrifice the Goblin (because it was removed from play before the ability resolved, for example), no damage is dealt. ----- Ironclaw Buzzardiers {2}{R} Creature -- Orc Scout 2/2 Ironclaw Buzzardiers can't block creatures with power 2 or greater. {R}: Ironclaw Buzzardiers gains flying until end of turn. * "Can't block" abilities apply only as blockers are declared. After Ironclaw Buzzardiers blocks, increasing the blocked creature's power won't make it become unblocked. ----- Ixidron {3}{U}{U} Creature -- Illusion */* As Ixidron comes into play, turn all other nontoken creatures in play face down. They're 2/2 creatures. Ixidron's power and toughness are each equal to the number of face-down creatures in play. * Creatures turned face down by Ixidron are 2/2 creatures with no text, no name, no subtypes, no expansion symbol, and no mana cost. * If a creature with morph is turned face down this way, it can be turned face up by its controller by paying its morph cost, as normal. * If a creature without morph is turned face down this way, it can't be turned face up again (except by an effect such as Break Open). * If Ixidron and another creature are coming into play at the same time, the other creature comes into play face up. * The controller of a face-down creature can look at it at any time, even if it doesn't have morph. Other players can't, but the rules for face-down permanents state that "you must ensure at all times that your face-down spells and permanents can be easily differentiated from each other." As a result, all players must be able to figure out what each of the creatures Ixidron turned face down is. * You turn the creatures face-down *as* Ixidron comes into play. There is never a moment when Ixidron is in play and the creatures are face-up. If a creature in play has a "whenever another creature comes into play" ability, it won't trigger because that creature will be face down before Ixidron comes into play. * Turning a face-down creature face down typically has no effect; the creature's status is unchanged. ----- Knight of the Holy Nimbus {W}{W} Creature -- Human Rebel Knight 2/2 Flanking (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.) If Knight of the Holy Nimbus would be destroyed, regenerate it. {2}: Knight of the Holy Nimbus can't be regenerated this turn. Only any opponent may play this ability. * The second ability essentially means that Knight of the Holy Nimbus always has a regeneration shield. It retains that shield even if it's used. * After the third ability resolves, regeneration shields don't work on Knight of the Holy Nimbus for the remainder of the turn. This includes its own automatic shield as well as shields from other sources. ----- Liege of the Pit {5}{B}{B}{B} Creature -- Demon 7/7 Flying, trample At the beginning of your upkeep, sacrifice a creature other than Liege of the Pit. If you can't, Liege of the Pit deals 7 damage to you. Morph {B}{B}{B}{B} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) * You can't sacrifice Liege of the Pit to its own ability. You can sacrifice one Liege of the Pit to another Liege of the Pit. * If you have another creature in play when the ability resolves, you must sacrifice it. You can't choose to be dealt 7 damage instead. ----- Lightning Axe {R} Instant As an additional cost to play Lightning Axe, discard a card or pay {5}. Lightning Axe deals 5 damage to target creature. * This has an additional cost with an option. Essentially, the card's cost is {5}{R} or {R} and a discard. But its mana cost is always {R} and its converted mana cost is always 1. ----- Lim-Dul the Necromancer {5}{B}{B} Legendary Creature -- Human Wizard 4/4 Whenever a creature an opponent controls is put into a graveyard from play, you may pay {1}{B}. If you do, return that card to play under your control. If it's a creature, it's a Zombie in addition to its other creature types. {1}{B}: Regenerate target Zombie. * If a token creature an opponent controls is put into a graveyard from play, you may pay {1}{B}, but if you do, nothing will happen. * If a creature an opponent controls whose type is not normally "creature" (such as an animated Blinkmoth Nexus) is put into a graveyard from play, you may pay {1}{B}. The card will be returned to play under your control, but it won't be a Zombie. If it later becomes a creature, it wonft become a Zombie. * The second ability can target any Zombie, not just a creature returned to play with the first ability. ----- Living End {} Sorcery Living End is black. Suspend 3--{2}{B}{B} Each player removes all creature cards in his or her graveyard from the game, then sacrifices all creatures he or she controls, then puts into play all cards he or she removed this way. * "All cards he or she removed this way" refers only to the cards removed from the graveyard in the first part of the effect. If a replacement effect (such as Leyline of the Void) removes any of the sacrificed creatures from the game instead of putting them into the graveyard, those cards aren't returned to play. ----- Locket of Yesterdays {1} Artifact Spells you play cost {1} less to play for each card with the same name as that spell in your graveyard. * Locket of Yesterdays reduces only the amount of mana you need to pay to play a spell. The spell's mana cost and converted mana cost are not affected. * Colored costs can't be reduced by this effect. For example, a spell that costs {2}{R} can't be reduced by more than {2}. * The spell being played doesn't reduce its own cost, even if you're playing it from a graveyard. At the time the cost is reduced, the spell is on the stack. ----- Magus of the Disk {2}{W}{W} Creature -- Human Wizard 2/4 Magus of the Disk comes into play tapped. {1}, {T}: Destroy all artifacts, creatures, and enchantments. * If an effect makes Magus of the Disk indestructible or regenerates it, it won't be destroyed by its ability. ----- Magus of the Mirror {4}{B}{B} Creature -- Human Wizard 4/2 {T}, Sacrifice Magus of the Mirror: Exchange life totals with target opponent. Play this ability only during your upkeep. * When the life totals are exchanged, each player gains or loses the amount of life necessary to equal the other player's previous life total. For example, if Player A has 5 life and Player B has 3 life before the exchange, Player A will lose 2 life and Player B will gain 2 life. Replacement effects may modify these gains and losses, and triggered abilities may trigger on them. ----- Mangara of Corondor {1}{W}{W} Legendary Creature -- Human Wizard 1/1 {T}: Remove Mangara of Corondor and target permanent from the game. * If Mangara of Corondor leaves play before the ability resolves, the targeted permanent will still be removed from the game. * If the target permanent becomes an illegal target, the ability will be countered and Mangara will remain in play. ----- Momentary Blink {1}{W} Instant Remove target creature you control from the game, then return it to play under its owner's control. Flashback {3}{U} (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.) * When Momentary Blink resolves, the creature is removed from the game, then immediately returned to play. The game sees the returning card as a different permanent from the one that left play. Any counters, Auras, and so on are removed. Any spells or abilities targeting the creature no longer target it. * Any "as comes into play" choices for the affected creature are made by its owner, not its old controller. ----- Moonlace {U} Instant Target spell or permanent becomes colorless. * Moonlace's effect doesn't wear off. * If Moonlace is played on a spell that becomes a permanent (a creature spell, an artifact spell, or an enchantment spell), the permanent will come into play colorless and will remain colorless until it leaves play (or until another effect changes its color). ----- Nether Traitor {B}{B} Creature -- Spirit 1/1 Haste Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.) Whenever another creature is put into your graveyard from play, you may pay {B}. If you do, return Nether Traitor from your graveyard to play. * If Nether Traitor and another creature are put into your graveyard at the same time, Nether Traitor's ability won't trigger. ----- Nightshade Assassin {2}{B}{B} Creature -- Human Assassin 2/1 First strike When Nightshade Assassin comes into play, you may reveal X black cards in your hand. If you do, target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn. Madness {1}{B} (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.) * You choose a target creature whether or not you choose to reveal any black cards in your hand. * You may choose to reveal X black cards in your hand, then choose X to be 0. ----- Norin the Wary {R} Legendary Creature -- Human Warrior 2/1 When a player plays a spell or a creature attacks, remove Norin the Wary from the game. Return it to play under its owner's control at end of turn. * Norin the Wary will be removed from the game if it attacks. ----- Opal Guardian {W}{W}{W} Enchantment When an opponent plays a creature spell, if Opal Guardian is an enchantment, Opal Guardian becomes a 3/4 Gargoyle creature with flying and protection from red. * Opal Guardian's effect doesn't wear off. * After the triggered ability resolves, Opal Guardian is no longer an enchantment. * A face-down creature spell will cause Opal Guardian's ability to trigger (if it's an enchantment). ----- Ophidian Eye {2}{U} Enchantment -- Aura Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Enchant creature Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card. * The third ability triggers when the enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent of the player who controls Ophidian Eye. ----- Outrider en-Kor {2}{W} Creature -- Kor Rebel Knight 2/2 Flanking (Whenever a creature without flanking blocks this creature, the blocking creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn.) {0}: The next 1 damage that would be dealt to Outrider en-Kor this turn is dealt to target creature you control instead. * If the targeted creature leaves play before the redirection shield is used, the damage is not redirected. * If the damage is combat damage or unpreventable damage, it will still be combat damage or unpreventable damage after it has been redirected. * When damage would be dealt to Outrider en-Kor, its controller chooses which redirection shields to apply out of all the shields that have been created that turn. It doesn't matter what order they were created in. ----- Paradox Haze {2}{U} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant player At the beginning of enchanted player's first upkeep each turn, that player gets an additional upkeep step after this step. * Paradox Haze targets a player when it's played, and it comes into play attached to that player. * If two Paradox Hazes enchant the same player, they'll both trigger when that player's first upkeep of the turn begins. The player will get two additional upkeep steps. * Abilities that trigger "at the beginning of [your] upkeep" will trigger at the beginning of each additional upkeep as well. * If echo triggers during the first upkeep, it won't trigger again during the second upkeep since the creature won't have come into play since that player's last upkeep. * If an effect causes the enchanted player to skip his or her upkeep step, this ability won't trigger. ----- Phthisis {3}{B}{B}{B}{B} Sorcery Destroy target creature. Its controller loses life equal to its power plus its toughness. Suspend 5--{1}{B} (Rather than play this card from your hand, you may pay {1}{B} and remove it from the game with five time counters on it. At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter. When you remove the last, play it without paying its mana cost.) * The creature's controller loses life even if the creature isn't destroyed (if it's indestructible or regenerates, for example). * If the creature's power is negative, it's treated as 0 for this effect. For example, if the creature is -1/3, its controller loses 3 life. ----- Phyrexian Totem {3} Artifact {T}: Add {B} to your mana pool. {2}{B}: Phyrexian Totem becomes a 5/5 black Horror artifact creature with trample until end of turn. Whenever Phyrexian Totem is dealt damage, if it's a creature, sacrifice that many permanents. * When damage is dealt to Phyrexian Totem, its triggered ability will trigger. A number of permanents equal to the amount of damage dealt will be sacrificed when the ability resolves. It doesn't matter if Phyrexian Totem isn't in play when the ability resolves, as long as Phyrexian Totem was a creature as it left play. If one of the permanents sacrificed is Phyrexian Totem itself, the requisite number of other permanents must still be sacrificed. ----- Plague Sliver {2}{B}{B} Creature -- Sliver 5/5 All Slivers have "At the beginning of your upkeep, this creature deals 1 damage to you." * Each Sliver deals damage to its controller (not to Plague Sliver's controller). ----- Plated Pegasus {2}{W} Creature -- Pegasus 1/2 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Flying If a spell would deal damage to a creature or player, prevent 1 damage that spell would deal to that creature or player. * If a spell would deal damage to multiple creatures and/or players, Plated Pegasus will prevent 1 damage that the spell would deal to each of them. ----- Pull from Eternity {W} Instant Put target face-up card that's removed from the game into its owner's graveyard. * Pull from Eternity targets a card in the removed-from-the-game zone. * If Pull from Eternity affects a suspended card, the card loses its time counters and is no longer suspended. (This doesn't trigger the last ability of suspend.) * If Pull from Eternity affects a card that's haunting a creature, the haunt effect ends. ----- Return to Dust {2}{W}{W} Instant Remove target artifact or enchantment from the game. If you played this spell during your main phase, you may remove up to one other target artifact or enchantment from the game. * Regardless of when Return to Dust is played, its controller may choose one target or two targets. It can always be played even if there's only one legal target. If it's played at a time other than its controller's main phase and a second target is chosen, nothing will happen to that target. ----- Saffi Eriksdotter {G}{W} Legendary Creature -- Human Scout 2/2 Sacrifice Saffi Eriksdotter: When target creature is put into your graveyard from play this turn, return that card to play. * If a token creature is targeted, it will not be returned to play. * The creature is returned to play under your control if it's put into *your* graveyard from play. It doesn't matter who controlled it when Saffi targeted it. * Saffi can target itself, but it won't return itself to play. It will already be in the graveyard when the ability resolves, so the ability will be countered. ----- Scion of the Ur-Dragon {W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Legendary Creature -- Dragon Avatar 4/4 Flying {2}: Search your library for a Dragon card and put it into your graveyard. If you do, Scion of the Ur-Dragon becomes a copy of that card until end of turn. Then shuffle your library. * When Scion of the Ur-Dragon becomes a copy of another Dragon, it loses its copy ability for the rest of the turn. * Removing the other Dragon card from your graveyard has no effect on Scion of the Ur-Dragon. ----- Sengir Nosferatu {3}{B}{B} Creature -- Vampire 4/4 Flying {1}{B}, Remove Sengir Nosferatu from the game: Put a 1/2 black Bat creature token with flying into play. It has "{1}{B}, Sacrifice this creature: Return to play under its owner's control a card named Sengir Nosferatu that's removed from the game." * The Sengir Nosferatu that the Bat token's ability returns to play doesn't have to be the same one that created it, and it doesn't even have to be owned by the same player. ----- Serra Avenger {W}{W} Creature -- Angel 3/3 You can't play Serra Avenger during your first, second, or third turns of the game. Flying, vigilance * You can play Serra Avenger during another player's first, second, or third turns of the game if some other effect (such as Vedalken Orrery) enables that. * In cases where a player takes an extra turn, Serra Avenger keeps track of how many turns you've had, not how many turns the game has had. ----- Smallpox {B}{B} Sorcery Each player loses 1 life, discards a card, sacrifices a creature, then sacrifices a land. * Each player loses 1 life. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a card to discard (normally without seeing what other players have chosen) and all discards happen simultaneously. Then, starting with the active player and proceeding in turn order, each player chooses a creature to sacrifice (this time players can see what other players have chosen) and all sacrifices happen simultaneously. Then the process that happened for creatures is repeated for lands. ----- Sporesower Thallid {2}{G}{G} Creature -- Fungus 4/4 At the beginning of your upkeep, put a spore counter on each Fungus you control. Remove three spore counters from Sporesower Thallid: Put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token into play. * Sporesower Thallid's triggered ability will put spore counters on Fungus creatures that aren't Thallids, though they generally won't have any effect on those creatures. ----- Strength in Numbers {1}{G} Instant Until end of turn, target creature gains trample and gets +X/+X, where X is the number of attacking creatures. * The bonus is determined when the spell resolves. ----- Sudden Spoiling {1}{B}{B} Instant Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) Creatures target player controls become 0/2 and lose all abilities until end of turn. * Sudden Spoiling doesn't counter abilities that have already triggered or been played. In particular, you can't play this fast enough to stop a creature's "At the beginning of your upkeep" or "When this creature comes into play" abilities from triggering. * Sudden Spoiling affects only permanents that are creatures in play under the targeted player's control at the time Sudden Spoiling resolves. It won't affect creatures that come into play later or noncreature permanents that later become creatures. * If a creature controlled by the targeted player gains an ability after Sudden Spoiling resolves, it will keep that ability. * If a face-down creature is affected by Sudden Spoiling, it wonft be able to be turned face up for its morph cost. If some other effect turns it face up, it will remain a 0/2 creature with no abilities until the turn ends. Its "When this creature turns face up" or "As this creature turns face up" abilities won't work. ----- Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir {2}{U}{U}{U} Legendary Creature -- Human Wizard 3/4 Flash (You may play this spell any time you could play an instant.) Creature cards you own that aren't in play have flash. Each opponent can play spells only any time he or she could play a sorcery. * The last ability means that in order for an opponent to play a spell, it must be that opponent's turn, during a main phase, and the stack must be empty. This is true even if the player doesn't have a sorcery he or she is able to play, or if a rule or effect allows a spell to be played at another time. * If you have Teferi in play, you may remove from the game creature cards in your hand with suspend any time you could play an instant. * If an ability lets an opponent play a spell as part of its effect (such as Isochron Scepter's ability does), that opponent can't play that spell since the currently resolving ability is still on the stack. * Your opponents can't play their suspended cards, no matter what phase it is when the last time counter is removed. Your opponents can't play cards using the madness ability either, no matter what phase it is when the card is discarded. ----- Thelon of Havenwood {G}{G} Legendary Creature -- Elf Druid 2/2 Each Fungus gets +1/+1 for each spore counter on it. {B}{G}, Remove a Fungus card in a graveyard from the game: Put a spore counter on each Fungus in play. * All creatures with Thallid in their name happen to have the creature type Fungus, but not all Fungus creatures have Thallid in their names. ----- Thick-Skinned Goblin {1}{R} Creature -- Goblin Shaman 2/1 You may pay {0} rather than pay the echo cost for permanents you control. {R}: Thick-Skinned Goblin gains protection from red until end of turn. * When an echo ability you control resolves, you have three options: pay the echo cost, pay {0}, or sacrifice the permanent. ----- Trickbind {1}{U} Instant Split second (As long as this spell is on the stack, players can't play spells or activated abilities that aren't mana abilities.) Counter target activated or triggered ability. If a permanent's ability is countered this way, activated abilities of that permanent can't be played this turn. (Mana abilities can't be targeted.) * If Trickbind counters an activated ability of a permanent, no activated abilities of that permanent can be played for the remainder of the turn. This includes activated abilities other than the one that was countered, as well as any mana abilities that permanent may have. Other abilities of that permanent, including triggered abilities and static abilities, are unaffected. * Trickbind can be used to counter the storm triggered ability. Doing so prevents the copies from being created, but doesn't counter the original storm spell. * Trickbind can be used to counter the madness triggered ability. The affected card will remain removed from the game. * Trickbind can be used to counter the suspend "remove a counter" ability. If so, the counter won't get removed, but the ability will trigger again as normal later on. Trickbind can also be used to counter the suspend "play this card" ability. If so, the card stays removed from the game (the ability won't trigger again). Using suspend to remove a card in your hand from the game is neither an activated nor a triggered ability, so it can't be countered this way. * Trickbind can be used to counter the echo triggered ability. If so, the echo ability won't trigger again so the echo cost is never paid. * Trickbind can be used to counter the flanking triggered ability. * Trickbind can't counter or prevent paying the morph cost to turn a face-down creature face up. ----- Tromp the Domains {5}{G} Sorcery Until end of turn, creatures you control gain trample and get +1/+1 for each basic land type among lands you control. * The creatures get trample once; they don't get trample for each basic land type. * The effect counts basic land *types*, not the number of basic lands. Therefore the maximum bonus is +5/+5. (The _Ravnica_(TM) block dual lands each have two basic land types.) * The affected creatures and the power/toughness bonus are fixed when Tromp the Domains resolves. ----- Truth or Tale {1}{U} Instant Reveal the top five cards of your library and separate them into two piles. An opponent chooses one of those piles. Put a card from the chosen pile into your hand, then put all other cards revealed this way on the bottom of your library in any order. * Here's how this works: Step 1: You reveal the top five cards of your library. Step 2: You separate those cards into two piles. (A pile can have zero cards.) Step 3: An opponent of your choice chooses one of those piles. Step 4: You choose one of the cards in the chosen pile. Step 5: You put the chosen card in your hand. Step 6: You put all other revealed cards (from both piles) on the bottom of your library in any order. ----- Urza's Factory Land -- Urza's {T}: Add {1} to your mana pool. {7}, {T}: Put a 2/2 Assembly-Worker artifact creature token into play. * Although Urza's Factory has the Urza's land type, it doesn't interact with Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, or Urza's Power Plant. ----- Vampiric Sliver {3}{B} Creature -- Sliver 3/3 All Slivers have "Whenever a creature dealt damage by this creature this turn is put into a graveyard, put a +1/+1 counter on this creature." * If a Sliver has this ability when it deals damage, but not when the damaged creature is put into a graveyard, nothing happens. * If a Sliver doesn't have this ability when it deals damage, but does have it when the damaged creature is put into a graveyard, the ability will trigger. * If Vampiric Sliver is put into a graveyard from play at the same time as a creature dealt damage by another Sliver, the Vampiric Sliverfs ability will trigger for the other Sliver. That Sliver will get a +1/+1 counter. ----- Verdant Embrace {3}{G}{G} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant creature Enchanted creature gets +3/+3 and has "At the beginning of each upkeep, put a 1/1 green Saproling creature token into play under your control." * The token is put into play under the control of the player who controls the enchanted creature, not the player who controls Verdant Embrace. * Note that Verdant Force's trigger condition was changed in Oracle to make the card behave sensibly in the Two-Headed Giant multiplayer variant. Verdant Embrace uses that updated template. ----- Vesuva Land As Vesuva comes into play, you may choose a land in play. If you do, Vesuva comes into play tapped as a copy of the chosen land. * Vesuva has no intrinsic mana abilities. * If you don't choose a land in play, Vesuva comes into play untapped as itself. ----- Vesuvan Shapeshifter {3}{U}{U} Creature -- Shapeshifter 0/0 As Vesuvan Shapeshifter comes into play or is turned face up, you may choose another creature in play. If you do, until Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, it becomes a copy of that creature and gains "At the beginning of your upkeep, you may turn this creature face down." Morph {1}{U} * Essentially, each time Vesuvan Shapeshifter turns face up, it's a copy of a new creature. During your upkeep, you may turn it face down in preparation to copy something else. * If Vesuvan Shapeshifter is played face up, it behaves like Clone except that it gives itself a triggered ability. * If Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face up, the process of turning face up includes (optionally) choosing another creature in play. You'll pay {1}{U} (not the morph cost, if any, of the new creature), then Vesuvan Shapeshifter will turn face up as a copy of that creature, plus the triggered ability it gives itself. It won't turn face up as a Vesuvan Shapeshifter and then change. If the copied creature has a "when this creature is turned face up" ability, it will trigger for Vesuvan Shapeshifter. * When Vesuvan Shapeshifter is turned face down, its copy effect wears off. While it's face down, it's a face-down Vesuvan Shapeshifter that can be turned face up for a morph cost of {1}{U}. * If another creature copies Vesuvan Shapeshifter while it's face up, the new creature will become a copy of whatever Vesuvan Shapeshifter is copying and gain the "you may turn this creature face down" ability. It won't gain morph {1}{U}. If that creature is then turned face down, its copy effect will continue and it'll be a face-down version of whatever it's copying. If the creature it's copying has morph, it can be turned face up. If the creature it's copying doesn't have morph, it's stuck face down forever unless some other effect (like Break Open) turns it face up again. * If Vesuvan Shapeshifter copies a face-down creature, it becomes a face-up 2/2 colorless nameless creature with no abilities other than the one it gives itself. * When Vesuvan Shapeshifter copies a creature that has echo, the echo ability will trigger at the beginning of your upkeep if Vesuvan Shapeshifter came under your control since the beginning of your last upkeep. If you've controlled Vesuvan Shapeshifter since your last upkeep (regardless of whether it had echo then), the echo ability won't trigger. * Turning Vesuvan Shapeshifter face down during your upkeep doesn't prevent you from needing to pay applicable upkeep costs such as echo. * If you don't or can't choose another creature in play for Vesuvan Shapeshifter to copy, it doesn't get the triggered ability that turns it face down. It's just a 0/0 creature with morph {1}{U}. ----- Weathered Bodyguards {5}{W} Creature -- Human Soldier 2/5 As long as Weathered Bodyguards is untapped, all combat damage that would be dealt to you by unblocked creatures is dealt to Weathered Bodyguards instead. Morph {3}{W} (You may play this face down as a 2/2 creature for {3}. Turn it face up any time for its morph cost.) * Weathered Bodyguards affects only combat damage from unblocked creatures. It won't affect noncombat damage, and it won't affect trample damage. ----- Weatherseed Totem {3} Artifact {T}: Add {G} to your mana pool. {2}{G}{G}{G}: Weatherseed Totem becomes a 5/3 green Treefolk artifact creature with trample until end of turn. When Weatherseed Totem is put into a graveyard from play, if it was a creature, return this card to its owner's hand. * Weatherseed Totem will be returned to its owner's hand if it was a creature at the time it was put into a graveyard from play. ----- Yavimaya Dryad {1}{G}{G} Creature -- Dryad 2/1 Forestwalk When Yavimaya Dryad comes into play, you may search your library for a Forest card and put it into play tapped under target player's control. If you do, shuffle your library. * You may target yourself with Yavimaya Dryad's ability. ----- Zealot il-Vec {2}{W} Creature -- Human Rebel 1/1 Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.) Whenever Zealot il-Vec attacks and isn't blocked, you may have it deal 1 damage to target creature. If you do, prevent all combat damage Zealot il-Vec would deal this turn. * When Zealot il-Vec attacks and isn't blocked, you must choose a target for its ability even if you don't use it. * If you choose to have Zealot il-Vec deal 1 damage to a creature and that damage is prevented or replaced, Zealot il-Vec's combat damage will still be prevented. ----- CARD-SPECIFIC QUESTIONS FOR "TIMESHIFTED" CARDS Arena Land {3}, {T}: Tap target creature you control and target creature of an opponent's choice he or she controls. Each of those creatures deals damage equal to its power to the other. * If either target leaves play before the ability resolves, the ability taps the remaining target, but no damage is dealt. If both targets leave play, the ability is countered. ----- Celestial Dawn {1}{W}{W} Enchantment Lands you control are Plains. Nonland cards you own that aren't in play, spells you control, and nonland permanents you control are white. You may spend white mana as though it were mana of any color. You may spend other mana only as though it were colorless mana. * Mana produced by spells you control and nonland permanents you control isn't affected by Celestial Dawn. Llanowar Elves will produce {G}, for example. However, any colored mana may be spent only on the colorless part of costs. * Land cards you own that aren't in play aren't changed to Plains. * If you have nonwhite mana in your mana pool when Celestial Dawn comes into play, it remains there but you can spend it only on the colorless part of costs. * "Comes into play" triggered abilities of lands you play won't trigger since the lands will enter play as Plains. Effects that modify how those lands enter play, however, will still work. For example, if you play a Dimir Aqueduct, it will come into play tapped as a Plains, but you won't return a land to your hand. * If you spend all white mana to play a _Ravnica: City of Guilds_(TM) "enhanced spell" such as Vigor Mortis, it doesn't matter what color you say you're spending the mana as though it were. The spell checks the actual color of the mana spent, and can tell that it was all white. You won't get the bonus. * If you use a text-changing effect such as Mind Bend on Celestial Dawn to change the word "Plains" to a different land type, your lands are all of that new land type, and they will produce mana of the appropriate color for that type. * If a permanent comes into play while Celestial Dawn is in play, and then Celestial Dawn leaves play, the permanent's color will revert to the colors in its mana cost. ----- Coalition Victory {3}{W}{U}{B}{R}{G} Sorcery You win the game if you control a land of each basic land type and a creature of each color. * When Coalition Victory resolves, it checks for the five basic land types (Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest) and the five colors (white, blue, black, red, green). If a single land has multiple types and/or a single creature is multiple colors, it will count all those types and/or colors. ----- Consecrate Land {W} Enchantment -- Aura Enchant land Enchanted land is indestructible and can't be enchanted by other Auras. * If Consecrate Land comes into play attached to a land that's enchanted by other Auras, those Auras are put into their owners' graveyards. * An indestructible permanent can't be destroyed, but it can still be sacrificed, removed from the game, put into a graveyard, and so on. ----- Conspiracy {3}{B}{B} Enchantment As Conspiracy comes into play, choose a creature type. Creature cards you own that aren't in play, creature spells you control, and creatures you control are the chosen type. * The chosen type overwrites any creature types the affected cards and creatures normally have. ----- Disintegrate {X}{R} Sorcery Disintegrate deals X damage to target creature or player. That creature can't be regenerated this turn. If the creature would be put into a graveyard this turn, remove it from the game instead. * The second and third sentences apply to the targeted creature even if Disintegrate deals no damage to it (say if X is 0 or the damage is prevented) or Disintegrate deals damage to a different creature (due to a redirection effect). ----- Enduring Renewal {2}{W}{W} Enchantment Play with your hand revealed. If you would draw a card, reveal the top card of your library instead. If it's a creature card, put it into your graveyard. Otherwise, draw a card. Whenever a creature is put into your graveyard from play, return it to your hand. * Unless something weird happens, the card you draw as a result of the second ability will be the card you revealed. * If, after the last ability triggers, the creature card is removed from your graveyard in response, it won't be returned to your hand. ----- Faceless Butcher {2}{B}{B} Creature -- Nightmare Horror 2/3 When Faceless Butcher comes into play, remove target creature other than Faceless Butcher from the game. When Faceless Butcher leaves play, return the removed card to play under its owner's control. * Three Faceless Butchers played in succession with no other creatures in play will result in an infinite loop and the game will be a draw, unless a player somehow interrupts the loop. ----- Fiery Justice {R}{G}{W} Sorcery Fiery Justice deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures and/or players. Target opponent gains 5 life. * The number of targets for the damage effect must be at least 1 and at most 5. * The opponent targeted for the life gain effect may also have been targeted by the damage effect. If this happens and the damage effect drops that player's life total to 0 or less, the life gain effect will raise his or her life total above 0 again before the player would lose the game. ----- Gaea's Liege {3}{G}{G}{G} Creature -- Avatar */* Gaea's Liege's power and toughness are each equal to the number of Forests you control. As long as Gaea's Liege is attacking, its power and toughness are each equal to the number of Forests defending player controls instead. {T}: Target land becomes a Forest until Gaea's Liege leaves play. * The activated ability doesn't affect whether the land is basic or not. It overwrites any other land types. Being a Forest gives the affected land the ability "{T}: Add {G} to your mana pool." ----- Gemstone Mine Land Gemstone Mine comes into play with three mining counters on it. {T}, Remove a mining counter from Gemstone Mine: Add one mana of any color to your mana pool. If there are no mining counters on Gemstone Mine, sacrifice it. * If the last mining counter is removed from Gemstone Mine in some way other than activating its ability (such as Chisei, Heart of Oceans), Gemstone Mine won't be sacrificed but its ability can't be activated. ----- Giant Oyster {2}{U}{U} Creature -- Oyster 0/3 You may choose not to untap Giant Oyster during your untap step. {T}: As long as Giant Oyster remains tapped, target tapped creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step, and at the beginning of each of your draw steps, put a -1/-1 counter on that creature. When Giant Oyster leaves play or becomes untapped, remove all -1/-1 counters from the creature. * The activated ability can target only a tapped creature. * Activating the ability creates a continuous effect that works only as long as Giant Oyster remains tapped, a repeating delayed triggered ability that's in effect only as long as Giant Oyster remains tapped, and a delayed triggered ability that triggers when Giant Oyster untaps or when it leaves play. * Giant Oyster's ability can be played during your upkeep, and the creature will get a -1/-1 counter during the draw step that follows it. ----- Grinning Totem {4} Artifact {2}, {T}, Sacrifice Grinning Totem: Search target opponent's library for a card and remove it from the game. Then that player shuffles his or her library. Until the beginning of your next upkeep, you may play that card. At the beginning of your next upkeep, if you haven't played it, put it into its owner's graveyard. * You may choose to find any kind of card, including a land. You must remove a card from the game (unless the opponent's library is empty); you can't fail to find anything. * "Until the beginning of your next upkeep" means the effect wears off as soon as your next upkeep starts. Your last chance to play the card is usually the end-of-turn step of the player who immediately precedes you. * The removed card is played using the normal rules for timing and priority for its card type, as well as any other applicable restrictions. You'll have to pay its mana cost. The only thing that's different is you're playing it from the removed-from-the-game zone. ----- Merieke Ri Berit {W}{U}{B} Legendary Creature -- Human 1/1 Merieke Ri Berit doesn't untap during your untap step. {T}: Gain control of target creature as long as you control Merieke Ri Berit. When Merieke Ri Berit leaves play or becomes untapped, destroy that creature. It can't be regenerated. * Say you've used Merieke Ri Berit's ability to take control of a creature. If Merieke becomes untapped, its "destroy" ability will trigger, but you won't lose control of the creature you took before it's destroyed. * Say you've used Merieke Ri Berit's ability to take control of a creature. If another player takes control of Merieke, you will immediately lose control of the creature you took, but Merieke's "destroy" ability won't trigger. The affected creature will go back under the control of the appropriate player * Say you've used Merieke Ri Berit's ability to take control of a creature. If Merieke leaves play, you will immediately lose control of the creature you took and Merieke's "destroy" ability will trigger. The affected creature will go back under the control of the appropriate player, then it will be destroyed. ----- Mistform Ultimus {3}{U} Legendary Creature -- Illusion 3/3 Mistform Ultimus is every creature type (even if this card isn't in play). * The type "Illusion" is printed on the card's type line purely for flavor. The Ultimus has every other creature type as well. * Like any creature, if Mistform Ultimus becomes another type as the result of a spell or ability, it will lose all its other creature types. * Mistform Ultimus is a Sliver, a Fungus, and a Saproling. * Mistform Ultimus has all creature types even if an effect removes its ability. Type-changing static abilities will apply in layer 4 before effects such as Sudden Spoiling's remove them in layer 5. ----- Pandemonium {3}{R} Enchantment Whenever a creature comes into play, that creature's controller may have it deal damage equal to its power to target creature or player of his or her choice. * If Player A controls Pandemonium when a creature comes into play under Player B's control, Player A controls the triggered ability even though Player B chooses the target and chooses whether to have the creature deal damage. ----- Sengir Autocrat {3}{B} Creature -- Human 2/2 When Sengir Autocrat comes into play, put three 0/1 black Serf creature tokens into play. When Sengir Autocrat leaves play, remove all Serf tokens from the game. * The last triggered ability removes all Serf tokens, not just the ones controlled by Sengir Autocrat's controller or the ones created by this Sengir Autocrat. It won't remove nontoken creatures with creature type Serf. ----- Sindbad {1}{U} Creature -- Human 1/1 {T}: Draw a card and reveal it. If it isn't a land card, discard it. * If the draw is replaced by another effect, none of the rest of Sindbad's ability applies, even if the draw is replaced by another draw (such as with Enduring Renewal). * To avoid confusion, reveal the card you draw before putting it with the rest of the cards in your hand. ----- Spitting Slug {1}{G}{G} Creature -- Slug 2/4 Whenever Spitting Slug blocks or becomes blocked, you may pay {1}{G}. If you do, Spitting Slug gains first strike until end of turn. Otherwise, each creature blocking or blocked by Spitting Slug gains first strike until end of turn. * This is a significant functional change from Spitting Slug's previous Oracle wording. ----- Vhati il-Dal {2}{B}{G} Legendary Creature -- Human Warrior 3/3 {T}: Target creature's power or toughness becomes 1 until end of turn. * You don't choose whether to affect the targeted creature's power or its toughness until the ability resolves. ----- All trademarks are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the U.S.A. and other countries. (c)2006 Wizards.