著者:Beth 'BethMo' Moursand (マジックルールマネージャ) 訳者:Ron Foster (変な外人) This is all from Beth and is considered official immediately. Let me know if anyone has any questions. これは正式な訂正と解釈で、すぐ有効です。 a) Serra Avatar. Yes, it reshuffles no matter where it goes to the graveyard from. (So did Rukh Egg until we gave it errata to say "from play," if you can remember back that far...) a) Serra Avatar:場からだけではなく、ほかのゾーンから墓地に入ったら ライブラリに切り直される。(記憶が長い人は Rukh Egg の訂正前の問題 を思いだすかもしれません。) b) The Trample change becomes official for all formats as soon as Urza is officially released, according to Andrew Finch. [Note from Dan: This is Monday, October 5, 1998, even though Urza's is not legal in constructed formats until November 1.] b) DCI ポリシーチーム会長の Andrew Finch によると、新らしいトランプル ルールは Urza's が発売される日から採用されます。(つまり、10 月 5 日 から。) c) Known errata. These were caught during translation, so they should be correct in the non-English versions, but not in the English versions. We thought they were going out with the FAQ, but apparently that didn't happen. c) 確認済みの訂正:これらは翻訳中に発見されたものですので、外国語版 はおそらく修正されているが、英語版は間違っているままです。これを FAQ に入るはずだったが、なにかの手違いで入らなかった見たい。 1. No Rest for the Wicked: card reads, "Sacrifice No Rest for the Wicked: Return to your hand all creature cards put into your graveyard from play this turn. Works as is, but will be translated as "Return from your graveyard to your hand all creature cards put into your graveyard from play this turn" for ease of understanding. 1. No Rest for the Wicked: カードは Sacrifice No Rest for the Wicked: Return to your hand all creature cards put into your graveyard from play this turn でそのままでいいですが、解りやすくするために Return from your graveyard to your hand all creature cards put into your graveyard from play this turn (このターンに、場からあなたの墓地に入ったすべての クリーチャーカードを、墓地からあなたの手札に戻す。)と訳されます。 2. Wall of Junk: card reads, "Whenever Wall of Junk blocks, return it to owner's hand at end of combat." Should read: "Wall of Junk counts as a Wall. #(Walls cannot attack.)#Whenever Wall of Junk blocks, return it to owner's hand at end of combat." 2. Wall of Junk: カードは Whenever Wall of Junk blocks, return it to owner's hand at end of combat となっていますが、これは Wall of Junk counts as a Wall. (Walls cannot attack.)\nWhenever Wall of Junk blocks, return it to owner's hand at end of combat (~は壁として扱われる{壁 は攻撃できません}[改行]~がブロックに参加したら、戦闘の終了時に~を オーナーの手札に戻す。)の違いです。 3. Silver Golem: card reads, "o1: Target noncreature artifact is an artifact creature with power and toughness each equal to its casting cost until end of turn. #(That artifact retains its abilities.)#" Should read, "o1: Target noncreature artifact is an artifact creature with power and toughness each equal to its total casting cost until end of turn. #(That artifact retains its abilities.)#" 3. Silver Golem: カードは 1: Target noncreature artifact is an artifact creature with power and toughness each equal to its casting cost until end of turn. (That artifact retains its abilities.) となっていますが、 正しいテキストは 1: Target noncreature artifact is an artifact creature with power and toughness each equal to its total casting cost until end of turn. (That artifact retains its abilities.) (1: 対象のクリーチャー でないアーティファクトは、ターンの終了時までにパワーとタフネスが総合呪文 コストに等しいアーティファクトクリーチャーになります。{その アーティファクトの能力はすべて残ります。})です。 4. Lifeline: card reads, "Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard and a creature is in play, return that creature from your graveyard to play at end of turn." Should read: "Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard and a creature is in play, put that creature back into play at end of turn." 4. Lifeline: カードは Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard and a creature is in play, return that creature from your graveyard to play at end of turn となっていますが、正しいテキストは Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard and a creature is in play, put that creature back into play at end of turn (クリーチャーが墓地に入っったとき、もし場に 他のクリーチャーがいれば、ターンの終了時に墓地に入ったクリーチャーを 場に出す。)です。 (訳者注:さらに訂正が出ています:最後に節句を次のようになる:「ターン の終了時に墓地に入ったクリーチャーをオーナーコントロール下で場に出す。」) 5. Mishra's Helix: card reads, "oX, ocT: Tap X lands." Should read: "oX, ocT: Tap X target lands." 5. Mishra's Helix: カードは X,T: Tap X lands となっていますが、正しい テキストは X,T: Tap X target lands (X,T: 対象の土地を X 枚タップする) です。 6. Phyrexian Colossus: numbering reads, "306/350." Should be "305/350." 6. Phyrexian Colossus: 番号は 306/350 になっていますが、これは 305/350 の違いです。 ではでは Ron Foster ron@bowneglobal.co.jp DCI 認定ジャッジ・レベル III